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Why can't SO see when he's being manipulated by SS

Ninji's picture

Two years ago before I moved out, SO and I fought about EVERYTHING. It was really bad. One of the main things that would start us fighting was the Skids and SO getting up at 5:30/6am every weekend and being really loud. Slamming doors, blaring the TV, just being inconsiderate to another person was still trying to sleep.

My argument was that I wasn't asking him to keep kids quiet til noon. It was a very reasonable to request that I'm not woken up at 5:30 on my day off.

SO would respond with, Well it's 3 against 1. That would start an even bigger fight about me paying more than him and if he wants his then 6 and 8 yr old to make rules for the house, he needs to be paying for 3/4 of the bills.

On and On it went until I left.

When I came back about 1yr ago, it was agreed that they would stay in their rooms until I get up. I get up between 7:30 and 8. SD is 11 and now will sleep past 9am but SS is out of his room the second he hears my voice or hears my bedroom door open.

Two weekends ago, I'm still in bed and I hear SS and SO in the kitchen. I get up and SS is sitting at the table eating. If there wasn't a wall between my room and the dining room, I could spit on SS from where my head hits the pillow. That's how close his loud mouth is to my ear when I'm in bed.

I didn't say a word, I just looked at SO. He immediacy starts with SS said his stomach hurt and I wanted him to eat before I gave him medication. I was pissed but didn't say anything. Maybe the kid wasn't feeling well.

Well a miracle happened. SS felt better within 10 minutes. This Saturday, I get up and SS is in his room but SO tells me SS again had a stomach ache and he gave him medicine. SS hears my voice and comes out of his room. I told him to go back to bed. If he's so sick he doesn't need to be up. 10minutes later SO lets him up because he's better. Man that is some awesome medicine

Later that day, I went and checked the medicine that SO was giving him for his stomach. I don't remember buying anything for stomach aches. Turns out he was giving him some old medicine I bought a couple years ago for a cough and it was expired.

At dinner that night, I tell SS that if his stomach is hurting so bad the next morning that he needs medicine that he's staying in bed all day. He's obviously not getting better because we keep letting him run around all day. A day in bed will "cure" him.

Sunday rolls around and guess what, SS didn't complain of his stomach hurting. I ask SO if he can see that SS was playing him to get out of bed early and as soon as I told him he would be in bed for the day, he was better. SS goes off about how do I know that he wasn't really sick. (I stay quiet, best way to get SO to talk himself into my thinking) So what it didn't hurt me. Blah blah blah...Then keeps excusing SS. Then he says he had a cough. I spoke up here, "I thought it was a stomach ache. That is some good medicine if it can cure a couch with one dose. I haven't heard him couch once all weekend" SO then starts getting mad and says, Well he's a manipulator. He was probably trying to get over on me, but it didn't work. It's over.

Ok, My job is done. Kid staying in his room until I get up in the morning.


Ninji's picture

I agree it's not just a Skid thing. SO wakes up at 5:30 everyday. It's annoying but he will go into the living room and be quiet. SS only has one volume on his voice and it's extra loud.

Ninji's picture

I don't think 7:30/8 is a lot to ask for either. Sometimes I am still tired but will get up anyway because I know SS is sitting in his room. I'm trying to compromise with everyone.

I really really hope that SS becomes a teenager that likes to sleep til noon. Pay backs. }:)