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Not my Biological...but this child is MINE

Pecanflower's picture

I may not think a thing is getting through to my autistic/adhd/bipolar SS13 but it is. I woke up bleary eyed having to pee this morning. Like any other 13 year old boy he was hogging the bathroom.

"Son, I have to pee."
"Okay, but there is a huge spider in the tub. I think it is a wolf spider."
"Son, I have to pee. Come on, now."
"I don't know where it went I think it is behind the curtain."

Now...before I go too much further, let me explain that I am known for a fondness for spiders, especially wolf spiders and tarantulas. They are a favorite photographic subject of mine.

He finally lets me use the facilities chattering about the HUGE spider the whole time. Meanwhile, I don't have on my glasses, I see a spot that might be a spider, but who knows, it could also be a naturally occurring M&M for all I can tell.

I flush.

"Can I come back in? Is it a wolf? Do you see it?"
I go get my glasses, a sheet of paper, and a glass.
Yep, looks like a small wolf spider. Small. SS13 asks if we can keep him as a pet. Says we should wake up DH to show him. I put the kibosh on both ideas. Scoop up the wayward arachnid and relocate him outside.
What did I learn? Not my biological...but definitely MY SON!


Pecanflower's picture

LOL. It's an Autism household we have to say what we mean. If we have to pee we have to say "Pee" or "Urinate" because he doesn't understand soft phrases like "wee, tinkle, or make water." We have to have straight forward language which can be frustrating. He is a very literal child.

WTF...REALLY's picture

Straight forward is good. Smile

My son thinks I am a dork for not liking the word fart. Lol

Indigo's picture

Aside: I dislike the word "fart" as well. I do know that all of us pass gas or experience flatulence about 14 times/day. But, I wasn't raised to openly discuss or experience this factoid ....

I shared the British fart/flatulence protocol with my SO who howled with laughter. Sigh.

Maxwell09's picture

I have these moments sometimes too; its a guilty pleasure I will admit. Might as well get my kicks while I still can Wink

Monchichi's picture

Lol, I love it! He engaged your like. Way to go Smile it's 6:30am and I needed a morning pick me up with my coffee.

Tuff Noogies's picture

too cute! i love those "yup, he's mine!" moments.

dh even told lurch the other day "i swear to God you are tuff's kid. u share more dna with HER than u do with ME!" he thinks it was the second immaculate conception, but this time God transferred my egg to her incubator since the timing wasnt right for me. lol!!!