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Wow!! I just got it!

Redsonya's picture

Lots of lightbulbs going off this week - I swear I am a college educated career woman. How can I be so f'ing stupid that I let someone put EVERYTHING off on me?!

SS13 came over last weekend after 6 months because he called me the "c" word twice to his dad and said he didn't want to come over. Great - when he changed his mind because his mother is a drunk lunatic in a tiny, rundown house she doesn't clean, and I am the opposite, it didn't happen until he said sorry. The first weekend was fine, the second was a nightmare and I blew up at DH about that and other major issues. Nonstop cussing, calling his dad names every few minutes, camping out on the couch in the living room, spreading dirty clothes, blankets, and dirty dishes around him so no one else could sit out there, playing True Blood nonstop and at full volume even after DD4 said she wanted the movie off because she was scared two or three times, not even rinsing one dish, opening the full trash can, saying "someone needs to take this out" and walking away after dumping his trash on the counter, telling DD4 to shut up because he was doing homework in the living room. DD4 ended up saying "blow job" because of the Southpark episode he had on. I told DH that was enough. His response? "I should have said something more to SS13, but he ignored me. You should have said something." I told him I wasn't SS13's parent, me and DD4 did bring the issues to DH's attention, and SS13 has a LONG history of flipping out over ANY issue brought to his attention. SS13 lost his mind for two hours, with screaming and hiding in a locked room, when DH told him that they would be staying at the house his boss owned (where they already were) instead of coming here to my house after he called me the "c" word the first time. This kid has literally been told by his GUIDANCE COUNSLER that he is a little shit that she would beat if she could (although this was out of school hours - she is friends with BM).

Whenever BM acts up, which is frequently, as in whenever she has any contact with us whatsoever, DH says he "doesn't care what she thinks" or "she is crazy and we should ignore her" After being publicly slammed by BM and SD18 on Facebook (stupid, I know), I finally put my foot down and told them EXACTLY what I thought. DH came unglued AT ME. After BM said horrible things about me posted on MY Pinterest account.

So here is what is really going on - DH is a complete and total pussy. He literally is not a man. He can't take criticism from ANYBODY, including his ex wife, kids, and extended family and so he puts it off on me, who is normal and has boundaries. Then he can look like the good guy, while I am the bad guy when it suits him.

I had a friend of his tell me not to be the bitch - let him handle it. At the time, I was like "what do you mean, I can stand up for myself". NOW I know what he means.

I am fully preparing myself to find out that after his kids have all treated him like dog----, that he makes me out to the be bad guy and kiss up to his ex and his kids since his meal ticket has ended.