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BM & CPS..... Playing the Blame Game & Totally Missing the Real Issue

JustTheGirlfriend's picture

The first call from the Banshee BM came in last night at 6pm. Just a voicemail - saying that she needed to talk to my SO "about a phone call she got". Didn't say from who, or any other details. He did not respond.

This morning, the multiple texts started. SO forwarded them to me.

BM texted my SO -
"Apparently someone called CPS on me about "C" (11 yr old son) trying to start fire with flint. "A" (20 yr old daughter who resides with Grandma due to protection order against new stepdad) posted something on Facebook & I think Denise(?) called them. I don't know who else would. I've told "A" not to post personal stuff. She posted that he was by himself at home when he wasn't. CPS is going to mom's to talk to "C" today."

In her attempt to find out WHO reported it, and to HIDE what is happening in her home, she is completely and utterly missing the entire freaking POINT....!! She doesn't ONCE mention or seem concerned for "C" or his safety. But - she is correct on one thing - he was NOT alone the day that he started the fires..... 17 yr old was home & woke to the smoke alarms going off!


And we are certain that all parties have now been "coached" as to what to say or not say about the incident and the history in their home.

SO just replied to her texts with - "I will be expecting a call from CPS too then".

Update: 08/21/13
Turns out "Denise" - the person that Banshee BM thinks called CPS.... is her oldest child's father's ex-wife.... Wow. That is a real stretch. This info came from INside your own home.... from one child's concern for the other. Sad that BM is going right for the drama and ignoring what is right in front of her face.


DaizyDuke's picture

Most likely nothing will come of this, but it certainly is fun to watch the idiots squirm and wonder and worry about who is watching/tattling on them!

JustTheGirlfriend's picture

My SO will eventually tell BM if she doesn't figure it out... he is not ashamed and has no regrets for calling CPS to investigate. It's just funny that she thinks that someone that removed from her home & life would make the call rather than her own ex-H and father of SS11.

For now he is leaving it alone as he doesn't want to stir that crazy-pot any more than need be.
I am just so relieved that he made that call to report. My concern has been for the kids involved and SO is always very careful to not "rock the boat" with BM - sometimes too much in my opinion.

I don't know why all three bio-dads of her kids, and #4 - her current husband, and her kids do not call her out on her BS. (They all say she cries...tears and "wolf") that's it..??

After almost five years of being with SO, caring for her kids, and keeping my mouth shut - not having any direct contact with her (we met by accident at the grocery store once) I am almost ready to get involved because I seem to be the only one with any kajones! lol

At the very, very least.... I am hoping that a visit from CPS and seeing how serious this is will send a very strong message to SS11.... even if it does nothing for BM.

Crossing my fingers.