What should I do
Im 31 years old. Recently divorced and I have been with my current Gf for about 1 year and 3 months now (we met during my separation). When we first me, of course things were amazing I knew she had two kids (girls, 6 and 3) and I didnt care. Sex was great and often, we went out every other weekend as the father has them 2 weekends a month. I guess for some reason I didnt see the kids as a "big deal". We eventually moved in together, Ladies and gentleman the fairy tale has ended. The kids are THE MOST HYPER LOUD ACTIVE kids in the world. All i find myself doing is disciplining them. This has totally ruined my excitement about having a baby in the future. The thought of three of these things running around is a nightmare. I dont want to leave i deeply love my gf but im scared im going to resent her kids.
Ouch. It is hard when you
Ouch. It is hard when you aren't use to kids.
Maybe you should go back to living separately. There is no shame in doing what is best for you.
Do you think I can Get use to
Do you think I can Get use to them?? for example after I wrote the original post I went downstairs to eat. I started to have a conversation with my gf and both girls wanted a "snack" and literally called out mom mom mom mom mom mom ma ma ma ma ma mom mom mom. I of course yelled at them and asked if they do that in school, they stared at me blank, I said answer me I asked you a question. They both started crying and I was the bad guy. Maybe im just to selfish for kids, especially because they are not mine. I guess I will have to figure it out as I go. Anyway, thanks for the response.
If you don't like these kids
If you don't like these kids now, it will only get worse. After one year with my DH, I already loved one SKID and couldn't stand the other, and this never changed.
Kids are people, you connect with some and not with others. You would not move in with two adult room mates you can't stand, and expect it to get better.
When you have your own kid it's different. Nature gives you daddy glasses so that you can't see anything wrong with your own kid. It creates a buffer that is not there for SKIDS.
I agree with the others, don't force yourself. Get out.
^^Ouch, spot-on.^^
^^Ouch, spot-on.^^
Looks like im f*cked. Thanks
Looks like im f*cked. Thanks for all the imput guys. Ill keep you posted.