I think I am done with pregnant SD and DH
Tried to talk to SD-17 and DH again about the future. I realize both of them have their heads in the sand.
SD's baby due in less than 6 months. She is making no plans for the future. She graduates high school in May - only because I stay on her case about school. She doesn't want to start college in the summer - because "well gosh it's like my time in the summer." Promises to get a job, but has been promising for over a year. DH does nothing but yell at her to find one.
Baby due in Oct. The baby's daddy wants no financial responsibility for the child - but wants to play the "big daddy" roll (Show off to everyone what he can do). SD is ok with that -- because "well ya'll will pay for everything anyway, right."
I put my foot down. I want tough love for the SD now. DH says he can't put her out on the cold streets alone with no skills, money or help. But he doesn't want me to be upset by that. I can't get it through to him that SHE has a choice to make. Follow our rules or face the cold hard world. He won't do it.
So I am outta there.
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good decision. lets see him
good decision. lets see him do the 2 am feeding.
From what I can get from SD
From what I can get from SD and DH I am expected to be maid, cook and nanny and be damn glad to get to do it.
SD says she wants to raise her baby -- but we get to do the work and pay the bills.
And at this point the only way to save myself is to walk away. DH is not now, nor has ever, made the marriage #1.
The plan was she would start college in the summer and work part time until the baby came. Then after she recovered, SD would work full time until the next college semester starts.
I planned to help with the baby in the evenings so she can work or go to school then.
But now it seems -- she is going to do whatever she wants.
I am so sorry...what is it
I am so sorry...what is it with these girls? If you want, you can find out about getting her wic, welfare, etc...why? Because if she applies she will be forced to give baby's daddy name...when she refuses, because baby daddy will take a hike, your dh might be more inclined to make her get a job or kick her out. Remember, since she is lazy it will be easy to lure her to get this "free" money...and when she refuses to make herself & baby daddy responsible, daddy might understand better...
Good luck! When is her due date? DH's kid is oct 2...we'll both have major drama at the same time...
PS don't let her know she
PS don't let her know she has to provide baby daddy name until you or your husband go with her and are in front of a caseworker...