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What kind of first car for SS16?

hornet64's picture

SS just turned 16 this week. He wants a car, surprise, surprise... The problem is that he is failing his current grade (9th) and let me mention that he failed the 7th grade a few years ago. Very lazy kid... wants everything handed to him.

Started working last August at the start of the school year at a very popular fast food chain, but quit soon after because, get this... they took out taxes! Welcome to the wonderful world of taxes! He couldn't stand it, quit, and went to work for his mom's brother's restaurant where he gets cash.

Now, DH tells him that if he works and saves his money that his biomom and us/we will help him buy a car. Here's my question... how much of the price of the car should I feel obligated to help with? Personally, this SS16 is a spoiled brat who really has never worked for anything and I don't want to help him at all... especially because he's on the way to failing yet another year in school.

Is is bad that I don't want to help him? Would you help him? How much money would you give him? My DH has proposed that if he saves $5000 that his biomom would give him $1500 and we would give him $1500. Sounds okay in theory, but will DH stick to it???

prayerhelps's picture

Totally agree. Ours have to do themselves. I have made them all save money just for such an occassion when the turn 18 if that is what they want to do with the money. Made arrangement w/BS that if he wants to buy a car early (he is 16), he will have to earn, and will allow him to take same amount up to $1000 out of his savings now to buy---ex--finds a $1500 car, he makes $750 in his checking and he gets $750 out of his savings for it. IF he wants a $5000 car, he better have $4000+ money for taxes and insurance. Having a car is a priveledge, not a right.

Oh, and most states now require you to be passing school to even have or keep a license when you are under 18. So check with your local DMV---he might not even qualify to keep if he is failing any classes

SusiQ's picture

I wouldn't help buy SS a car - don't forget the $$$ needed for repairs and insurance.

My SS got a brand new mustang when he turned 16. Then for HS graduation, he got a brand new Charger with a Hemi.
Thank god we didn't pay for his insurance - I can't imaging what that amount would have been. Plus the gas $$$. BM covers the costs of evreything associated with the car but he's scrambling to cover his tutition for college. God forbid she help pay for that.

Plus he only works 8 hours a week at the admin office for his school, only takes 12 hours of classes and thinks he has it rough.

I laugh!!!

Auteur's picture

A paid for by SS junker!! That is the first car that ALL children should have when they turn 16 or get their first car.

uncommon's picture

I don't plan to just buy my BD a car when she gets her license - she can earn it. Your SS should earn it. Get a part time job and help pay for it (him, not you).

Frankly if he is failing school, the very last thing he needs is a car. Tell your DH you'll chip in money for a tutor lol.

skylarksms's picture

I would NEVER spend that kind of cash on a first car for ANY kid, much less one that is problematic.

I would buy a CHEAP, OLD crappy car that breaks down a lot. And a repair manual. That's what my parents did for me and I learned how to fix a lot of car problems as I grew up.

Also, most kids have a LEAST one or more fender benders as they learn to drive. Wouldn't you rather that it was a crappy car getting banged up than a nice one??

Insurance is cheaper too.

hismineandours's picture

If he is failing school-he should not be working or engaging in any activities whatsoever-including driving around in a vehicle. His total focus should be on his schoolwork!

That being said when my kids are of age-I already have a plan in place. We have a local amusement park 5 minutes away that all the kids work at. They can start work at 14. My kids will start at 14 and will save 3/4 of each paycheck until they are 16. I will then attempt (assuming I have the money at that point)to match what they've saved. It is only seasonal work and so it will not be a tremendous amount that they are able to save. I am thinking they should be able to save 1500.00 each. My dd is 13, and ds is 11. Now ss, who will turn 13 in a few months is a different story. I personally would not pay a penny to purchase him a vehicle. I've not discussed this with dh either-but IMO I would not be comfortable having my name connected or in anyway associated with a car that he would have down at his bm's. Nor would I be comfortable paying for part of a vehicle that I only saw eowe at best. I could see dh ponying up the cash and the bm or ss's sister driving the car around. Um, no. However, I do think he will think it is unfair if my bios are helped with cars but ss is not. So my best guess of what I will do is suggest a split-ss save around 1000.00, bm kick in 1000.00, and dh kick in 1000.00. In all liklihood ss will not have the gumption to save 1000.00 and I think that bm will be unwilling to spend 1 cent on a vehicle for ss-so I am hoping that means I am in the clear.

Now if he is failing school-I would adamantly tell dh that he is crazy if he considers getting ss a car.

ESM's picture

What do they call that car that you can buy passes for.......

Oh yeah...the bus

I'm on side with you - don't do it

Why continuing the spoon feeding...children learn by doing...not holding thier hands out

caregiver1127's picture

How about a car that he can afford and can afford the insurance on? And if he does not have a job well then he does not get a car - a 16 year old kid in 9th grade how embarrassing - how about forget the car and help pay for a tutor so that he can actually graduate!!