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Vac, SS's football, and BM!!

purpledaisies's picture

Ok I KNEW there had to be something. Well bm is upset b/c we are going to get back on Sun afternoon instead of that morn. WHY? B/c she said that if we get back that afternoon she can't send ss14 to football practice. B/c it will be too hard on him. Umm last time I checked practice is only like an hour or so? Why not? Dh told her that it doesn't make any sense that he would be just fine, we will get back in plenty of time for him to unwind ate dinner and a shower and get to bed at a decent time. He said he will be going to work himself. She said that none of the coaches would be going back to work if they got back on sunday afternoon. Dh said I bet they will ask them. Most people HAVE to go back to work on Mon. when they get back. She disregarded everything he said and said she is NOT going to send him to practice. Dh told her that if he grows up to be a wuss it is her fault. Oh well that is her choice. I just feel for the boys b/c they are not taught normal responsibility.

purpledaisies's picture

Yep I'm not sure if I made it that clear in my op but the practice is the next day after we come back. I reread it and thought I didn't make it that clear. lol. But yep the kid will be just fine. However it doesn't sound like she will send him to practice. Eye roll here!

Synaesthete's picture

That... makes no sense to me. :? I have no idea where your BM is coming from, and I often try to see all sides in blended family situations. Lady seems like she's looking for confrontation. Maybe she's jealous of your vacation. -shrug-

I'm sure SS14 would be fine. Sorry to hear he's missing out on things because of BM's poor attitude.

purpledaisies's picture

Yep you are right she does that all the time. She looks for things to try and fight about. Just like when i bought dd a phone at age 13 b/c she was in cheer leading and I needed to make sure I knew where she was and what time to pick her up and stuff. I did NOT get my bs one b/c I thought he was too young. However bm threw ad huge fit b/c we didn't get ss one. Um hello he is younger than bs. Dh told her that he would not be getting him one b/c he thought he was way too young. He was only 10 at the time. He also told her that when each kid turn 13 is when he would get them one. That was not good enough and her aunt bought him one! Go figure?

I do agree that ss will be just fine. The part about not teaching normal responsibilities is what upset me. It's not even that she is mad and wants to keep him home but that she is teaching him to be lazy!