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Update: BM had pregnancy complications

Heregoesnothing's picture

I posted a couple of weeks ago about BM having complications during her pregnancy, she was supposedly 20ish weeks along. SS6 lives with us full time. She put off seeing SS for about 3 weeks from when she found out the baby wasn't going to make it, understandable. She delivered last week...she was at work about 5 days later (she and my husband work at the same place, him full time, her 4 (yes only 4) hours a week, she passed his office and smiled and waved...okay, I guess she's fine :?

Supposedly the baby had genetic defects and a heart abnormality, so they ended the pregnancy. She told SS6 this weekend that the baby had a heart problem and died in her belly, SS6 said he wanted to cry but he was trying to control his emotions, she basically made him cry and she says he then asked where babies come from so she told him, without so much as consulting us. :?

But wait, there's more! She's going to New Orleans/Mardi Gras next weekend to spread the ashes. :jawdrop: Oh yeah, she's playing with a full deck.

Maxwell09's picture

Correction she's going to Mardi Gras to get drunk off her ass. Im from there, carnival is not the time or the place for putting your unborn to rest. I hate to be judgy Judy but during this season, people arewandering and partying in the cemeteries and crypts for fun. I don't see how she's planning on getting any resolve here. But I do know what she will get and that's heavily intoxicated for half price.

Heregoesnothing's picture

Thank you ladies! I just needed to vent about the continuing crazy that she is....I'm guessing she had plans to go during Mardi Gras and the spreading of the ashes will just happen while she's there, but still. If she was going to pregnant down there why go during Mardi Gras? It's so dirty and gross in New Orleans around that time, IMO.

SS told my husband and I that the baby died in her belly, we said that the baby was in heaven with the Angels now, if he needed to talk we would listen and try to help him. He seems like himself right now, which is good. We will continue to watch him and try to respond to any questions he has respectfully. As far as the sex thing, since he didn't bring it up to us, we are hopeful it all went over his head. Sometimes she just does stuff to be first at something, even if it's totally out of line.

We had plans to go to a special event with the kids yesterday and SS just kept saying how happy he was to be home with his sister early. My hubby asked BM if it was okay for SS to go to event, she was like, you come get him, whatever time is fine. (She is responsible for all transportation). so she was just being lazy because she probably wanted to go to "drunch" (bottomless alcohol brunch) with her 30 something year old out of town guests. Oh yes, SS with dust allergies slept on the floor this weekend instead of the pull out couch. Nice mother, she is.

kathc's picture

It can't be that much even. I've had pets cremated that weren't much more than that and they were bigger than a baby.

MommyNotMommy's picture

When BM miscarried she told SDthen6 the baby died inside her and she had to go to the hospital because they had to take the dead baby out of her because it was dirty. Talk about traumatic. I should add that she should have never told a 6 yr old anything because she was only 11 wks at the point of her assisted termination. Oh, and she then proceeded to accuse her husband of pushing her down the stairs and took out a protective order against him... 9 months later after a different fight. She's still with him.