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Umm I don't think so

dont know what to do's picture

So my dh is having back problems and he has to go get skids tonight, 2 hour drive one way. He says last night can you get skids tomorrow I said ummm I dont think so I have to get ds11 from grandparents and I don't want to drive that far alone and not get home til 9pm after working all day. No way in hell am I driving to get skids when he gets home early all the time and can't pick up ds11 which is 3 mins away, instead he will leave him there until I get off work to go and get him. So NO! Sorry your back hurts but not my responsibility, maybe if you acted like a father in the house all the time I might take more of a part in acting like a mother to your kids but until then forget it! I'm not going out of my way for skids! Sorry had to get that off my chest. I'm not even looking forward to skids coming already dreading it especially since he asked if they could stay til Tuesday, I said why would you do that take them back on Monday when everyone is off work so it's not putting anyone out, make sense right, he says well then I'll have all day Monday to spend with them...oh that's right YOU will have all day Monday, because you forget the rest of the family exists when they are here...well I hope you have a good Monday with them! Even though I'm in the house, I'm sure I'll be ignored just like always! I so wish I had to work Monday!

Nikki72223's picture

Wow you sound like me, I cant even get dh to pick up our daughter from the sitters, but he has no problem going to pick up ss7 whenever bm calls or has a excuse why she cant meet have way which is an hour and a half drive. I always and ignored as well when the kid is around and so is our daughter just makes me so mad, and I hate to tell him that one day our daughter will prolly look at him and say how come I always come second to my brother. When ss is there dh and ss play video games back in our bedroom so I cant even find a place to hide or if I need to change or something its like do it in the bathroom as a women we all like to have our space while getting ready. Grrrrrrrrrr Sorry just needed to get it out.

giveitago's picture

I would rather do the pick up and drop off, less scope for BM to manipulate the situation since I do not take her bullshit. I tell it like it is and when she threatened me one time I told her to go right ahead and do her worst! In our house it's 'our way' or the highway! That and DH used to wuss out and do what she wanted to 'keep the peace', which was OK up to a point since it was for the kids' benefit too but he wussed out and let me do the driving so's he did not have to do the jobs she lined up for him. I love driving too, a distinct plus! What was hillarious was that she'd be on the phone while I was on the road...DH would answer the phone but then just set it down on a counter and walk away leaving her to rant and scream all to herself!'s picture

Yep, that's pretty standard. Luckily I saw that pretty quick and won't be getting stuck in a marriage with mess like that. It's always something... The sooner BF's realize there are other kids on earth besides theirs, the better...