Trying to stay positive...
My husband has had primary custody of his kids SS15 and SD13 for almost 7 years. Now that SD is 13, she wants to move in with BM because there is no discipline, rules, structure, stability, supervision, etc... They have a hearing scheduled about a month from now and I'm just wondering if there is anyone out here who has had any luck with custody at this age. 13 seems to be the age where the child's opinion is weighed more heavily however her reasons for wanting to move are "because my life would be perfect if I lived with my mom" and "don't worry about it, mom and I have it all figured out" I'd like to believe that a judge will see through the empty promises and dilusion...but after hearing about other's experiences, I also have my doubts. It will break my husband's heart to lose his daughter!
My SD12 was horrible to her
My SD12 was horrible to her siblings, refused to follow a single rule and wanted to see her we let her. The mom got sick of her within a month and sent her back. Luckily, she came back before her hair was dyed black and her tongue and nose pierced...that was supposed to happen but didn't yet. As far as a judge granting BM primary custody...I have no clue. I just wish the BM in my case wanted her daughter because we would willingly GIVE it to her.
Let her go. Not worth
Let her go. Not worth fighting it. You can't win. When SDwas13 she did the same thing and we spent 17K fighting it only to give up. Now SS13 doesn't want to live with her, so BM settled and we have him now with no visitation when he turns 14. DH has none with SD.
You can not win this. Save yourself the money and the heartache and give up now. Read my old blogs to see the progression of this pain.