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Another day in court

stepmomx2's picture

So we had a final hearing on Monday but BM's attorney ran out of time to get her back on the stand so we had to go back again on Tuesday (my husband's birthday!). Not much came of that with the exception of a few more of BM's lies and lots of tears. She actually had the nerve to say that we aren't accomodating...I've babysat for her child with her current husband, she's had dinner at my house so that she could spend more time with the kids and not have to just drive around town while she waits for thier events, she's come to my house to help them get ready for dances and recitals, I constantly call her with details for EVERYTHING! I think she thinks that just because she says it then it must be true.
Now it's up to the court to decide...the waiting game is almost as bad as being in court. Win or lose, at least I'll know we did it all without telling any lies, unlike BM. Hoping for the best, the next 4-6 weeks will be a struggle!

stepmomx2's picture

Custody hearing for SD13. She's lived with her Dad for 13 years. SS15 lives with too as well as 2 half brothers. Now BM thinks she should have SD13 come live with her and SD13 is all for it because she rules the roost at her mom's as opposed to having to follow rules at Dad's house.
If the decision was made soley based on Dad's history, it would be a no brainer however its tricky because SD is 13 and the court will give her "wishes" some weight.

Orange County Ca's picture

My ex wife could tell lies and believe them. My kids, now in their thirties can confirm this.

Medical scientists are learning that the part of the brain that informs you when you're telling a lie (it lets you do it, it just makes sure you know you're doing it) can be inert or missing in terms of function in some people.

Once they say something they literally believe it and could easily pass a lie detector test.

janeyc's picture

Its true, what effect does the silly cow thing this will have on you? Why the hell should you ever help her again? I used to take care of SD6 a lot to help Bm out, what did I get? She told everyone that Im a lier and turned up 90 mins late when I last babysat, therefore I will not help her ever again, so she has in effect shot herself in the foot, ha ha ha.