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Off Topic but need Feedback

happyskies's picture

I am currently working on my Professional Managment Certificate and one of my courses is "Starting a New Business".  For my business I would like to start up a small residential cleaning services.  I have a few questions that I would like to have your feedback on for this assignment:


Question 1 - Have your ever used a housecleaning services before?  If so, what was the number reason?

Question 2 - If you used a housecleaning service prior, what is your age range and average household income?

Question 3 - Were you satisfied with the service, if not why?

Not to be nosy or anything about people's income, so you can omit that if you feel uncomfortable providing that information.  The reason I ask is that it is of relevence to the customer demographics.

Thank you for any feedback that you can provide and please feel free to eleborate on your experience.  


Harry's picture

And do not want to spend the weekend cleaning there homes. If you are in a area where people have good jobs and have the exter money for cleaning you will be ok.  You must try to gage your time on what you are going to do.  General cleaning, deep cleaning ?
start off slowly,  if you do a good job, word of mouth will give you new business, 

Pregnantwithquestions's picture

We've utilized it in the past and the reasons have always been: time, kids, jobs, etc

The rates were always based on price per sq foot in my area and level of cleaning required. A deep clean every 2 weeks for a 2900 sq ft home was around $60-$75 and that seemed inline with other price comparisons we have done. This was also for a cleaning crew of 2 people and it would take them a couple, maybe 3 hours total. We're in a growing cost of living Midwestern area/suburb if that helps you out any.

happyskies's picture

I really appreciated your feedback and have used it in my assignment.  I got an A- by the way.  Thank you so much.

MissTexas's picture


Most of the people she works with are fairly well off. She uses a sliding schedule based on their income level.

I personally do no use a cleaning service, as I keep my house nicely and have no need for it. I also feel it would be a bit intrusive. I'm very private when it comes to my home and personal belongings.

Dh has had house cleaning people in the past and said one lady would take things like dryer sheets, and he'd buy them for her and leave them on top of the washer. It always seemed to be something and it got to be a hassle.

happyskies's picture

Thank you for your input.  Like you, I prefer to clean my own house and do not require the service.

Rags's picture

We have used cleaning services both domestically and internationally.  Over seas we either contracted service directly or negotiated it in our rent.  Domestically we contract directly.

Question 1 - Have your ever used a housecleaning services before?  If so, what was the number reason?

Yes.  At out earning levels it is not worth our time to do it ourselves. More importantly it is well worth the investment to eliminate the frustration of arguing over cleaning.  If it is done, there is no argument. Other than my bride gets irritated because she feels I am avoiding making a contribution to keeping our home.  She is right.  I detest all things associated with caring for a home. I hate yard work. I hate cleaning.  I don't mind cooking but enjoy it much more if we cook together.

Question 2 - If you used a housecleaning service prior, what is your age range and average household income?

We initially engaged cleaning services when I was in my mid 40s and DW was in her early 30s.  For the most part we have kept them for 10+ years.  Our usual combined income levels are in the multiple six figures.  Though we do not currently engage a service. When I go back to work we will engage service again.  But since I am not currently working, I do the cleaning, grocery shopping and cooking and DW is the earner

Once I am back to work, we will engage a service.


Question 3 - Were you satisfied with the service, if not why?

Rarely have they cleaned to our satisfaction.  It usually takes some time to get them up to speed.  We generally engage twice a month basic cleaning service with one or two comprehensive make ready level services per year including windows, screens, walls, shower caulking and paint touch up.  It keeps our home fresh and we can put it on the market any time if we end up on international assignment though this one we will probably keep as our permanent residence until we figure out where we want to retire.  We like it here and this may be the place... maybe.

happyskies's picture

Thanks Rags for the feedback - greatly appreciated.  I will be using your responses in my next assignment.

susanm's picture

I have used cleaning services and really liked having a clean home without me having to take time away from work or decompressing from work.  But the skids and DH are such slobs that it became a hassle to run around and pick up before they were due to come so that they would actually be able to clean.  It never failed that I had to get out the door and did not have the time so I would have to reschedule.  So finally I just gave up.  Pretty sad, huh?  I wish there was an answer to having to clean before the cleaners showed up!