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Text from SD-21

happyskies's picture

Hi All,

I have received this text from my SD21 after she OD and was in the hospital.  DH and I visited her will she was still in an induced coma but once she woke up, she did not want my husband or me there.  Her crazy mother was already signed into the same hospital on the psych ward as they had got into a big fight a few days earlier and the police were involved.  I don't have much information as they are all tight-lipped about the whole situation as well as SD overdosing on whatever drugs - again they will not tell us anything.

Anyways, DH & I both stayed away from the hospital as requested by SD.  A few days go by and I receive this text from SD at 10:30 pm.  

"Ought to be ashamed you came into the icu to see Happyskies, you've always thought I've gotten in the way of you and my dad and today he proved you're more important anyways so you win.  Think after 17 years you'd love me like your kid just like Stepdad likes me but miserable people love company so enjoy my day you win.  Don't fucking lie through your teeth either, atleast if you're gonna fight with a 20 year old at 47 don't act like a victim or instead of lying you should had the balls to say it to my face.  Didn't think I'd have to fight for my dad love.  You're blocked off of everything so your shit opinions on me can't seen or viewed.  I don't give a shit any more I realized I'm done giving a fuck you and my dad have a good time together don't forget misery loves company."

Needless to say, I did not bother to respond and blocked her.  I am unsure about what she means about me lying and playing the victim - I don't really confront her about her behavior but will let her dad know if she is disrespect - no need to lie about her or her life as she lives her life using other people constantly.  She is bipolar and possibly a sociopath.  Definitely meets the criteria.

Well it  has been six months and she texts her dad:  

Hey, you should call me.

So he does, it's the same song and dance with her - nothing has changed.  

At this point, I don't care if I ever see or talk to her again.  What are your thoughts/feedback/opinions.

Thank you in advance.






Thumper's picture


I am sorry, so sorry. Happy Skies there isnt anything you can do. This is sad and heart breaking for everyone.

Remember Happy is OK to be happy it is OK to find joy and it is OK for you and dh to find peace. Its OK to say, NO. And, it is ok to love and care about family from a distance.


 I hope SD becomes well.

  I am just so sorry. Addiction is a monster BUT you  can not fix this nor can DH. 


Notup4it's picture

That sounds like she sent that while high on drugs as well.... drugs make people paranoid and think and say strange things- that coupled with possible mental illness (like her mother) and it is a serious recipe for disaster.

Quite likely she is still using as well. Best to just fully disengage.... your DH has to be very cautious about not becoming an inabler as well. 

Booboobear's picture

Forward the text to DH and Joint text with SD and add :"this is between you and SD, YOU FIX IT!"

elkclan's picture

I would disregard anything that was sent while just coming out of an induced coma. It wont make sense and you shouldn't expect it to. I know that doesn't diminish the hurt. But I said all kinds of crazy things - including to twitter - when I was recovering from anasthesia. 

On the other hand, she is who she is as well - so ignore the text but don't ignore all the other crazy past behaviour. 

tog redux's picture

I would just ignore her and let DH handle his troubled daughter.  There is no applying logic to anything she says, don't worry yourself over it.  Sad for DH that his daughter is such a mess.

notasm3's picture

Ignore the whore. She’s a worthless excuse for a human being. Just be glad that you do not have to have ANYTHING to do with her.   

My wonderful DH has a son who is a POS like she is. He is totally out of my life thank goodness. 

amyburemt's picture

maybe someday she will grow up. I have a hateful sd like this who blames me and her dad for everything going wrong in her life. she moved to bm and has found that her life is still crap. someday she will either own everything that has gone wrong in her life and reconcile with dh or she will continue down the path of her crazy bm. 

Siemprematahari's picture

I hope your SD gets the help that she needs and i find it interesting how they tend to blame the stepmother and father for all their problems but don't look and reflect on themselves and wonder what they could have done different. Its always easy to blame everyone else that way you don't have to look at yourself.

Remain disengage and pray that she gets the help she needs because she needs an intervention.

Rags's picture

This POS crotch dropping from a shallow and polluted gene pool is a write off. So... write her off.

Enjoy your life.

mathfed's picture

My wife's youngest son did almost the exact same thing to me.  About a year ago, he texted that he was on a bus heading to our town.  Prior to that, he'd posted pictures of himself taking drugs all over the internet.  He looked completely strung out.  He's gotten violent before when he was angry.  I have two young sons to protect.  I told him that if any drugs come through our front door, I'm calling the cops.  He texted me back, calling me a piece of shit.  He told me that he's my wife's kid, I'm just the piece of shit she married.  He knows she can, and has seen her, do better than me.  He brought my dead mother into it.  After that, I've completely washed my hands of him.  I'm done.  I've disengaged from him, and really don't care if I ever see him again.  I don't talk about him or ask how he's doing.  If my wife brings him up, I change the subject.  He's blocked from my social media and phone.  He's a non-entity to me.  Life is much more peaceful without his tornado ripping through the middle of our marriage.  My wife occasionally goes to see him.  When she does, she goes by herself.  He's been at a mental hospital for almost a year now.  He can be a dangerous person to be around when he gets fired up.  There was one instance that I've talked about elsewhere on this site, where I came home to see police cars, an ambulance, and a fire truck in front of the house with lights flashing.  I walked up the driveway to see my wife's son sitting on the porch in handcuffs.  I really thought he had killed my wife or something.  Turns out he had put his fists and feet through the walls because my wife asked him to mow the front yard.  He went ballistic, and my wife ended up talking to a 911 operator.  The police came shortly thereafter. He's not an element I need or want in my life.