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Child support and income?

bronx mom's picture

Personal question, perhaps, but if your spouse pays child support, how much does he pay and what is his income?
My Dh earns 40K and has paid $900/month plus their health insurance... plus he had to buy plane tickets to see his kids. His ex-wife is constantly implying he is a deadbeat and threatening to go to court for her "due" has her friends have been urging her to do.. but she's too nice.


overworkedmom's picture

another factor in that equation is how much the BM makes. If you think he is paying too much, have him go back to court and ask to have it re-evaluated.

bronx mom's picture

I don't think it's too much, I think it's about right, but it does leave him with little to contribute to our households

SMof2's picture

I am with you there. I often think, how do they even expect a man to live and get to work if he has little or nothing after the CS is taken. Makes me sad. But I love him anyhow, and he's a great father. Just stinks how its calculated.

Totalybogus's picture

That's about right. It usually turns out to be about 25% of the non-custodial parent's income

overworkedmom's picture

You might want to push to have his checked again. I don't think they can count GI bill as income!

overworkedmom's picture

WOW!!! That seems crazy... I guess I could see it as since he "voluntarily quit" to go back to school since so many deadbeats could just quit work so they don't have to pay, but it does seem pretty unfair to you! Going back to school should at least get you a reprieve for a couple of years!

bronx mom's picture

yet my dh's ex argued that she didn't have to pay support when one of the "kids" (really an adult) eventually moved in with us since she had quit her job and was going back to school, so had no income.

Tuff Noogies's picture

"voluntarily quit"- hmmm..... i wonder if that could include purposefully intentional incompetence and subsequent "cannings".... *wheels turning*

tryingmom's picture

No matter how much money your DH makes and provides for CS, medical insurance and extras he will always be the deadbeat Dad to BM.

Go to your state's CS calculator and punch in the numbers. That'll tell you what he should pay.

bronx mom's picture

I was really just curious. BTW my husband actually earns less now then he did twelve years ago.

bronx mom's picture

I receive about $250 a month from my son's dad, but he lives in another country and pays for one or two expensive plane tickets a year... so as long as he pays for those tickets and makes an effort to help and stays engaged with his son, I am not complaining.

SMof2's picture

She can go back for an increase if she would like. For some reason some of the bitetr biomoms don't get that Dad is suppose to pay a portion as well as the mother is suppose to pay a portion to take care of the child/children. My DH makes in the low 50s, so around around 1400 after taxes and he pays 650 per pay period in childsupport, 1300 a month so out of his monthly take home of $2800, 1300 goes to child support which=$1500 a month to live on which is $375.00 a week to live on, which ironically is less than what I received from unemployment when I was laid off. The child support payments just went up $150.00 a month since mom is unemployed currently and not looking for a job.
Basically if I didn't work we would be dead broke barely able to make it. My husband not one second ever complains! He just pays, and does extra when able to do for his children who often come over and tell him "My mother said the amount of money you pay in child support is not even close to enough to pay her bills, and really not a lot of money at all" which is something you should never tell your children! They honestly think we have all of this overflow.
She often says he's a deadbeat. I agree with the above no matter what amount the courts tell him to pay the bitter, angry, spiteful, mothers will always call the dads deadbeats.


step off already's picture

My exH pays me $350 a week for three kids. We do about a 60/40 split. I pay health insurance. At the time that we worked this out I made about $50K and he made about $100K. He runs his own business and is probably making quite a bit more now (6 years later). I make more also.

We have a very amicable relationship and I wouldn't request a modification via the courts. Ever. We made the initial agreements on our own and have amended it verbally since to what it is now.

DH is custodial with SS13. BM pays nothing. Nada. Zilch. For anything. There is no support order in place. She has him EOWe and two weeks on/off in summer which I think works out to be just under 20% of the time.

She claims she doesn't work. We may seek a review here pretty soon, but I'd like to get some proof that she's working more than her stated 5 hours a week - which I expect we will know after her two weeks on/off this summer.

crushed step-mom's picture

My husband makes $42,000 yearly and his ex the BM makes $42,000 yearly and he was ordered to pay 1250 a month plus 50% medical and 60% daycare.
we live in Kentucky.

crushed step-mom's picture

no, it's 4 took awhile to get use to it...but IT'S THE LAW...that is BM's favorite quote!

Willow2010's picture

My Dh earns 40K and has paid $900/month plus their health insurance

That seems really high to me. My DH was making around 50K and was ordered to pay $675.00. 20%.

My ex was making about 70K and was ordered to pay $900.00

What state are you in?

KiFire's picture

The state can only calculate his income based on his fulltime job, so off 2k/month he pays $580 for 2 kids and only carries insurance for one of them. We see SD7 EOWE, BM1 get's $400/month in CS and she didn't like splitting co-pays so she got SD7 on Disability for her glasses, so SD7 is on medicaid. FDH splits everything else with BM1, school, activities, clothes. BM2 only get's $180/month but we have SDstb5 50/50 and she is on FDH's insurance. They split everything in half and she will work with him to make sure SD has what she needs if one of them is having money trouble. (they've both had ups and down, it's not one-way with her)

thinkthrice's picture

In NYS, they don't just count the main full time job. Practically EVERYTHING is CS fodder. Second or third job is considered in the income calc as well so it doesn't pay at all to get a second job if you're an NCP biodad.

KiFire's picture

Oh sorry, I'm not sure how that ended up as a reply to you. I was just trying to comment on the blog in general. Sorry!

That is fucking terrible though. I'm glad we live in Mass.

observer's picture

He takes home less than $30,000. He's also almost 25% slave, compliments of divorce court. What a great country we live in!

thinkthrice's picture

2012 Guilty Daddy made 33K a year; he's been paying $1000 a month for the last five years which includes daycare funds that the CP BM hasn't used in over four years. But as we all know (especially in pro-BM NYS) you don't go back for a downward mod because they'll find someway to jack it up. The CP BM makes 42K a year and has "Cadillac" health benefits through her job as a Child Protective Worker.

Guilty Daddy used to pay more. . . much much more on his 35-38K a year job and the health and dental insurance as well. He actually paid his entire salary for six months plus overtime direct deposited to the BM back in 2003 while living with me. The BM had convinced him that this was mandated by law. He had ZERO intention of going to court and getting things in writing and gave me a very hard time about it. Obviously he had seen one too many Hollywood movies on the subject ("Liar, Liar") and was bound and determined that anything less than his entire salary would make him a "dead beat dad." Also the children were being withheld as well and he thought they would have to be "dragged through court" so he convinced himself he was going through an "amicable divorce" :sick:

That means that I end up paying the mortgage, utilities, taxes, insurance, groceries, household sundries and remodeling materials for the dump we live in. He has a work truck and I drive a 13 year old beater. The skids all have the latest iphones, trips to Florida, you name it. Not that it supposedly matters but I make 45K and the BM's new hubby makes over 80K a year. Nice work if you can get it.

I guess what frosts my cheese is that when I was divorced I received ZERO child support and yet did not alienate the children from dad. Also my children NEVER had anything brand new and I often worked two-three jobs to support them. They learned to be grateful for what they had and not selfish, scholastically underachieving, spoiled, socially stunted brats.

Elizabeth's picture

I think you need to include in here percent of custody. DH and BM had 50/50 custody of SD from ages 2 to 11, no CS was ordered because of equal custody and equal income (BM made as much as DH did). BUT, and here I question DH's brain and his lawyer, DH agreed to pay medical and dental insurance (I'm guessing about $100/month) PLUS all daycare costs (about $300/month). So, to me, that was CS disguised. To keep the peace, DH agreed to send SD to a private school for her education that was midway between BM and DH. To be a bit*h, BM refused to help pay for that so DH also paid all private school costs (another about $300/month). Funny how BM wanted it until it came to paying for it. OK, so you follow me, DH is now essentially paying $700 a month in "CS" for ONE kid when he's only making about $35k a year and has equal custody.

When SD was 5, BM quit her job to be a SAHM mom to her new kids (born when SD was 6 and 9). DH and I got married when SD was 8. Then, when SD was 11 BM decided to move an hour away and leave SD with us. So we became primary custodians (now about 65/35). DH continued to pay all costs mentioned above, except we pulled her from private school for lack of performance and money (I lost my job and BM still refused to help pay for it). So, DH is now paying $400 in "CS" for a kid of which he has primary custody, without a penny from BM. Plus our costs greatly increase with having her the majority of the time.

When SD was 15, she decided the grass was greener with BM and BM filed for primary custody. They went through mediation, an agreement was reached, and BM refused to take SD and instead filed for CS. That's right, she refused to take custody of her own child until a court order was in place for her to receive CS. So we had SD another six months, and DH was ordered to: pay SD's medical insurance (no change there), give BM CS in the amount of $315 a month (he was still making about $35K a year), pay for half of all of SD's activities (even though we'd payed for ALL of those costs from the time she was 2), and fund one-third of her college.

SD is now 20 and CS has ended, but I'm baffled by the thousands we handed over to BM. It's definitely a one-way street there.

thinkthrice's picture

In NYS they don't count parenting time. It's either custodial or non-custodial. 99% of the time custodial status is granted to the BM so even if "NCP" dad had the skids 50% of the time or MORE, he's still ordered to pay a king's ransom in CS to the "custodial" BM.

Elizabeth's picture

Hmmm, in our state, custodial status was granted to neither DH nor BM in the divorce, SD became a ward of the county for custody purposes in the 50/50 setup. But like I said, he was essentially paying CS anyway.

thinkthrice's picture

Not here in NY. The tax has already been paid on it by NCP biodad-- 30% of his GROSS salary--CS comes off the top. The BM gets it tax free and doesn't have to report it as income.

crushed step-mom's picture

no it's not tax deductible in KY either and I believe BM or Custodial parent should have to claim as taxable income! BS to me!