Super manipulative skid has everyone fooled...but me
I've got a super manipulative 11 year old skid, and it drives me crazy...and DH doesn't even notice! SS11 is always telling us awful things that his mom/stepdad says about us, and most of the time, he's exaggerating almost to the point of lying (I've caught him.) Then he turns around and tells him negative things we say completely out of context which results in fights between BM and DH (both of whom are quicker to believe horrible things about each other than to believe SS is lying.) He's gotten so good at it over the years that he's like a master manipulator -- he knows exactly what to say to everyone to make them feel exactly how he wants them to feel. When I take him grocery shopping, he goes on about how his mom makes the best everything. When i put him to bed, he talks about how his mom is so horrible and how he wishes I was his mom. He is always bragging about being the smartest and most mature kid in school and how he has making his own food at his mom's since he was 5...and then he turns around and acts frustrated when DH and i don't make breakfast for him and gets annoyed when his water is not in the right water bottle. DH says, "Oh, he's just being a kid." I don't think so. If my biokid acted like this, I would think I had done something incredible wrong. I mean, I feel for the kid--his parents are always fighting over him. But, I don't think I can make an exception for his manipulative/bratty behavior. Playing with people's emotions is not cool.
Can you set him up so Daddy
Can you set him up so Daddy sees his manipulative ways. I had to do that will my SD stealing money so her Mommy would know it wasn't my BS which is what the SD claimed.
Your DH n BM are so
Your DH n BM are so delusional ~ he plays both of them for his own personal satisfaction.
I had one of them ~ she was also the best spin doctor ever !!!
The parents are at fault ~ maybe they need to communicate better. Keep in touch ~ talk about what he is saying. Seems like all the adults are playing right into his hands ~ DH hears what BM says about him n vice versa. Don't give his comments legs ~ why do you care what he says to you about BM. You are giving him control ~ when you give lies a pulse.
My SS37 used to try to pit my
My SS37 used to try to pit my DH and I against each other. Sorry kid- we communicate and talk wayyyy too much for that to ever work.