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Stepson creeps me out's picture

:O me and the hubbys bedroom door is always left open at night because ss8 likes to get up in the middle of the night and get into things and steal. Well last night we left it wide open just so we could see if he decides to sneak out (his room is right next to ours) I heard some rustling noises and got up to see what they were. Ss8 was lagging on the hallway floor STARING into my room at our bed where we were laying down. For some reason it creeped me out so much I started shaking and went to the kitchen and hid all the knives. Not saying hes a killer but he is a creepy little pyscho bastard. Do your stepkids creep you out?

overworkedmom's picture

My BS sleep walks. He will just be standing at the foot of my bed staring. He is my own flesh and blood and it freaks me out! LOL I couldn't imagine a problem SS just staring in the middle of the night!

3familiesIn1's picture

SS6 does this sometimes in the mornings especially on the weekend when DH and I aren't up super early. I am an early bird, if the skids aren't here I usually get up but when its just a skid weekend, sometimes I 'hide' by staying in bed and just waiting DH out.

I have noticed many times SS6 standing in the doorway just staring. It creeps me out. My guess is he is trying to decide if we are 'awake' or not.

SS6 does many things to creep me out like hiding, sneaking, stealing - so the standing there and staring at our bed makes me uneasy.

I figure, if your SS likes to get up and steal, he first needs to decide if you are sleeping or not which would be the reason to stare.

giveitago's picture

It's NOT illegal to put a 'safety gate' up at a kid's room door though...just make it a tad higher than usual?? Like to fill the entire door frame?? Your justification is that the boy sleepwalks and you are afraid he might hurt himself...right??

Orange County Ca's picture

I awoke to find my 12yo step kid standing right over me staring. I concluded he was sleep walking and said "Go back to bed" which he did. It never happened again.

It is creepy and scary. Eventually I did put a lock on the outside of the door as he would roam at night but he was fully awake. The first night I did, after he swore he would not roam, I turned my back and the lock rattled. He couldn't wait to test the lock.

I wasn't afraid of authorities like parents are today. Back then (60's) if someone in authority was informed I'd have told them to take the kid which is what eventually happened.

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

sd did this once. and once because i began locking MY door at night!

she was like 8 i think? i woke up at like 3 to feed the baby and there she was with this weird fuckin look on her face....

Anywho78's picture

My SS9 creeps me out by some of the things he does...he had a habit of staring, for no reason, for LONG periods of time or funner yet, staring at the bathroom door while SD8 or I were in there...I told SO that I was tempted to say "Creeper! Stop creeping!"...we both laughed about it.

A couple of days later, SS was once again staring at the bathroom door anxiously awaiting SD's exit (apparently, SS was unable to function without SD)...SO said (not yelling but loudly) "Creeper! Stop creeping!" & SS got an embarrassed look on his face & went to play on his own.

SO or I had discussed how creepy it was for him to do this in the past but nothing seemed to work...until the "Creeper" incident. We've only said it a couple of times & SS seems more than happy not to continue playing even though (GASP) SD is in the bathroom.


giveitago's picture

The twins were 10 when I met them and they'd creep up on DH and I's so they do not miss anything i guess?

stepmomto3bioto1's picture

My ss10 used to beyond creep me out. Id awake sometimes at like 2am hearing him breathing in my dark bedroom. He has allergies and always has a snotty nose. One time i screamed at the toP of my lungs. He had awaken me again, i heard his breath, as i went to sit uP in bed i literally head butted him. It scared tge daylights outta me!!

I started locking our bedroom door after that night. The kid still creeps me out!!! Found out his BM had to lOck her door to. He wasnt sleepwalking either. He is just flat ou creepy & we are never alone when he is here. He wont allow it!