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Stepkid bullying my son

MorningFlower's picture

Every time he's here ss8 goes out of his way to make my son miserable. I could go back and list some of the things he's done but I think the title explains it. 

Does anyone have advice on what to do about this? 

Dh reprimands his son when he sees the behavior but some of it is in secret and some of it is him agitating my son until he gets to a point that he says something, and then ss8 tells on him & my son gets in trouble for being rude. 


Notup4it's picture

Ha, if it was me I would take matters into my own hands if DH was doing nothing about it.  I would confront the title snot. And do it in a way that he will never mess with my kid again and do it very secretively myself.... all with a menacing smile on my face the whole time.

Rags's picture

How old is your son?  Regardless, he needs to punch the bully in the mouth and keep doing it until the bully stops bullying..

Bullies do not stop until continuing hurts far worse than stopping.  Your son needs to make him stop. 

As long as the bully has parental backing and the victim is repremended for being "rude" in response this will just perpetuate.

So your son needs to bust some face.

SonOfABrisketMaker's picture

He scores. Rags, you nailed it again.


OP, why in the he11 are you reprimanding your kid for being rude when you know what's going on??? When SS comes to tattle, ask him why DS said/did those things. Then ask DS why. Tell SS if he doesn't like that reaction then stop provoking DS.

My little princess plays with a kid who will do sneaky stuff to make her whine/cry. I can tell when it's coming because I notice a lot of checking to see if I'm looking. One day the moms were out of the room and the playmate started crying. Turns out my princess got kicked in the stomach so she calmly winged a frisbee in her atrackers face. Playmate got in trouble, not DD.

Jcksjj's picture

I had this same issue with SD doing this to my DS. She liked to antagonize him into doing something so she could get him in trouble (which actually didnt work alot of the time, but then shed just make something up) and would pretend he was her best friend in front of me and then be mean when she thought no one was looking. It's gotten better now after i made it a point to listen when they were upstairs or outside etc so I could catch her doing it. Also, if I needed to discipline DS for something related to it I'd do it where she couldn't hear so she couldn't get any satisfaction out of getting him in trouble. Shes still a snot to him alot of the time when she thinks she can be but there isn't the degree of bullying that there was. Just want to add though that my DS has autism and is therefore harder to coach on how to handle it, otherwise I would have had him do more on his own with it.

Notup4it's picture

Yes!! Stop letting his brat kid bully yours and don’t let dear old dad bully YOU or YOJR kid.

Rip the kid a new one right in from of dad... if dad says anything to you about it, rip him a new one too.