stepdaughter ....
So I have been with my husband almost 4 years now. His daughters are 8&10... For the first 2 years there were zero issues with his kids and I. We all got along great and I couldn't be happier. Going on two years now his younger daughter has had several issues with me but are very sporadic...they come over one day a week and every other weekend..she would literally follow my every move and want to go every errand I go on, copy hairstyles nails want everything I have..just be a complete mini me, and I liked (still like she still does it) but then out of no where get terrible attitudes to the point where shes sent in her room, misses out on things we do, deserts, future fun plans ect. So many punishments have not fased her. Her mother father and I are all on the same page carrying over punishments from house to house and her mom even put her in counseling...she gets so nasty then so sweet back and forth..shes had some issues at home but mostly at our house and mostly with me. I'm actually now to the point where im sick of my heart pulled back and forth. I'm sick of the disrespect then the I love u miss u phone calls the next day. I dont understand and neither do her parents or counselor. Her mother thought at one point she may just feel guilty for her love for me maybe betraying her mother and her mom told me she gave her the ok to love me and is ok with me...her mom even wants to hang out in front of her to see she likes me too( I dont want to -
Too far for me )...i just don't get it and wondering if anyone can relate. The older one has never had this issue. Shes said the ur not my mom once or twice but nothing like this. I hear shes very well behaved with step father at her moms. Any thoughts on this?
I use to be a push over, I
I use to be a push over, I have told her lately I'm done with the disrespect. I feel mean but I've toughened my skin alot. She doesn't care if it ruins the whole day or if she sits in her room playing alone. It doesn't fase her. As for the phone calls your right I shouldn't anwser but I keep thinking shes only 8 I can't treat her like I would be upset with her as if she were an adult...I'm at a loss with this one.