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Spousal problems

indigofish911's picture

Hi everyone,
This really isn't related to parenting or step-parenting, just being partnered with someone, but I was hoping people could offer some advice anyway. So, yesterday, I was out with my wife, sister and brother-in-law, and my wife called me a pain in the ass for absolutely no reason. We weren't even talking about me at the time! She has already apologized more than once, but I'm having some trouble getting past it. Today I even had dreams about being really angry at her (not about that, but about things she was doing in the dream). I do plan on asking her if there's something she's upset about that she's not telling me. If anyone has any advice about how to stop letting it bother me I would appreciate it. Thanks!

indigofish911's picture

So, my sister tends to answer for her husband when someone asks him a question, and she admits that she does this. So I was telling them about when I did this once to my stepson (answered for him) and he got very upset with me. I had told my step-son that he wouldn't do well with my sister, and we all had a laugh when I shared this story. Then I said something like "well, (sister) tries". And my wife said "(me) is a pain in the ass but she tries". I don't get it. If she thinks I answer for her too much, she can just tell me that.

MamaFox's picture

I call FDH a shitheel, jackass, PITA, Dork, and various other random names for usually no reason except for the fact it makes us and others laugh.

He in turn calls me a loud mouth, drill sergeant, high maintenance, hard ass or mean ass for the same reason.

Rags's picture

Sometimes teasing can hurt. I think it is just a case of misstimed teasing. Let it go.

Sex helps. Try that. }:) Biggrin