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Spoongate continues...

fairyo's picture

... response to my message requesting a description of said spoon revelaed that it did indeed have an elephant at the bottom, and what's more had the princess grand-daughter's name faintly embossed on the handle. Guess what? I have also found a knife and a fork and there is indeed a name faintly imprinted- so faintly I had never even noticed in all those years!

I am now doing forty days bread and water penance for a) taking said items without noticing they were not mine b) never noticing in nine years that they even existed.

I ate a very large slice of humble pie and said I would return them asap, but to whose address- his or XOSD's? 

He also made a very curt comment about my not sending him a text message. I have not responded to that comment but duly noted he will need some warm cuddly slippers soon for his very cold feet...

Survivingstephell's picture

Bring the spoons to closing and exchange them then after the house is closed on.  Just plead busy until then.