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The fun continues...

Susanna's picture

We just did a modification and the parenting plan requires that we jump through all sorts of hoops. BM is accusing my hsb of breaking into her house to steal a picture of sd. I don't think so. We have oodles of pics of sd of our own. I am quite certian that my hb did not risk a felony to do a break in that would be completely out of charactor for him. These accusations are ridiculous.

She cornered him at the courthouse and accusses everybody of everything under the sun. She is so creepy. She keeps tabs on how much time my hb is spending with his 22 year old son from a previous marriage.

Just now she called to see if we could keep sd till noon tomorrow knowing that my hb works on sundays. She has NEVER offered him any time other than what she is legally required to before. she just basically wanted free babysitting and we were convenient. There was no good will towards father/child quality time.

Now he is upset that it didn't end up working out. I'm mad because he said yes before he talked to me and it was my time on the line. I'm just really fed up with this woman's crap.




Chocoholic's picture

That is very frustrating.... I've learned NOT to get my hopes up when BM offers more time (outside of the parenting plan guidelines) because 9 out of 10 times shes offering it just to take it right back....

You just have to develop a really thick skin.... either don't agree to anything outside of the parenting plan.... or don't get too excited when you agree to take the kids on her time.... at least until you have them!

"Don't be distracted by criticism. Remember, the only taste of success some people ever have is when they take a bite out of you."