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Skids making demands on DH to take them places (without me of course)

liks's picture

Since the court case whereby the skids demanded Daddy (ss16 & ss14) take them places without me (& my kids) and that his weekend visitation be without me(&my kids)...either I & kids leave my home for the weekend while skids stay here...or he has to go stay in the lesbian household of the BM for the weekend without me....

Of course DH told the little shits to go stick the idea up their fat arses and tell your mother the the spoiled brats seem to think their requests are reasonable and their father unreasonable - therefore, they now dont call their father nor contact him except for the other night....ss16 requests via txt that his father should take him to the football.???

I of course see this txt (by sneaking a peek on his phone) and immediatly I believe that the little shit is under instruction of his trollop mother again....

However, DH response was noncommital and of course, there hasnt been a word to me for I sit and wonder if tomorrow night he will go or not???

I wonder if the brats are making impossible demands on my DH yet again...

I am so annoyed with their 'make dad feel guilty demands' They NEVER txt or call to say anything nice....its always me this buy me that and take me here/there...or 'dad, when are you going to get rid of 'me' and my kids'?

Any Idea on how to play this shit? :sick:

Anon2009's picture

I think it's very important for kids to have one-on-one time with their parents but I don't think they should demand it. I think it is something the parents should give them on without feeling demanded to.

liks's picture

Totally agree with you....suggested to DH he consider taking them to someplace that doesnt leave us in debt, fishing, to a park, or someplace.....but skids refused to do that...

Besides the horrors said some terrible things about me and my kids....suggested we were all on drugs and drinking all the time..... Crazy weird skids.....I have NEVER known children like them....

liks's picture

Isnt it horrible? I had the skids say to me a long time ago now, that they would prefer I live in my house and my husband live in a different house? I was shocked, and like you trying to keep the peace...act like the I asked if they thought that was the right way for a husband and wife to live....? They said they didnt care...but accused me of forcing their father go live in another house and area? To me its the voice of the BM speaking thru them....but Im so annoyed that the DH didnt kick the little shits hard up the arse earlier....

liks's picture

Lillyflowers.....Im on your know why???

This is a vent site for people like you and me who have been dealt a rotton card...

Kids brought up in a house of hate are screwed up....however, a well educated caring BIO MUM AND DAD can usually fix their pain and the kids CAN in some occaissions be brought up to be nearly perfect....(im speaking of my kids....unfortunately their dad is still totally wierd and obnoxious....)

As for my husbands Bio Kids.....they saw fights go on between their mother and father constantly....never knew wot growing up in a house of love feels like, were lied to on many occaissions...their father - My DH....lived with the psycho bitch mourning for me for 8 years or so....This BM hit my DH around the head on many occaission, and then decided to move in with the lesbian next door doing god knows wot in front of the kids with the neighbours wife and her DH was used as a support baby sittter...

These kids need a live in social worker...not a normal person like me.....

They hate my guts...and Ill admit I hate theirs...they hate their father,....and for some unknown reason believe their mother when she tells them the only reason their father isnt with her still is because of the women turned leso...

obviously being brought up like that can send you crazy...but the worst bit is....they dont want anyone to help, their father, their grand parents their fathers on...they instead decide to turn their backs on us all and say crap about us always.....

I wonder wot they would have been like at 6....I heard they were terrible....

but honestly...most of us venting on this site are dealing with kids being brought up in a house of hate for the first few years of their lives and in most cases...a depressed father with burdons of guilt and a psycho bitch mother....

liks's picture

The little punk needs to learn I would suggest you take away all her toys...then one by one...give them back to her when she does something good....

She will start to appreciate things a lot better when she learns she gets things for doing things right...

obviously the bio mother and father havnt parented her so thank god you are there for her....

in fact, it sounds like you are her last chance....cos if she is so horrible at this age...imagine what she will be like at 14....or worse still...imagine working alongeside her...


yeap....take control and give it a go....

Orchid91's picture

I have to say I found it a bit harsh. 6 year olds don't always understand. Of course it's not reasonable for just her and her dad to live in your house, but I don't know many reasonable 6 year olds. If she was still saying this in 3, 4 or however many years time then yeah she should know better. The majority of 6 year olds are egocentric, they haven't developed the ability to consider others points of view a lot of the time, and don't forget a lot of these skids haven't had the best upbringing so far so are likely to be emotionally immature if not damaged. She could be as developed as a normal 3 year old! By the way I'm not a doormat or a bm. I'm not one to 'stick up for the children, they come first blah blah blah' but there's a line.

jojo68's picture

I can totally SD who friggin lives with us makes her father feel bad because he doesn't keep her constantly entertained by taking her places and buying her something at every stop being out from the time she wakes till the time she goes to sleep with at least 2 friends in tow every damn weekend....this is absolutely ridiculous and MIL tells DH that he works too much and should take his daughter out more often...he takes her somewhere and spends a lot of money on her at least 3 times a month during the weekend but that isn't enough????

liks's picture

I got so pissed off with them fat obese ugly skids demanding we take them to the mall for 'whatever crap' every weekend or week night that in the end I said...Ok...but before we go, have something to eat...Ill cook up some 'whatever" that way we wont be wasting time and money sitting in the food court eating junk.... should have seen the look on their faces after I said that....fugly kids...I really do hate dare they make my DH go into debt bc they have been taught by the BM to do so and to make him miserable bc he married me....and to actually feel that he has no right to marry anyone....

ChaosIsCommon's picture

My SS is 6 and bioM is selfish in every sense of the word and hates that FDH asked me to marry him. She puts things in SS head about me and he voices them followed with “what? Mommy said that” it’s been less than 3 years and I’m at a bad place with this 6 yr old who thinks it’s ok to tell me to get out of my own house. He tells my FDH he can’t go to work. If he wants something he demands it... I feel for you and cringe at the thought of my future with this skid

Rags's picture

The kid's demanded? WTF is that?  DH of course put his foot up their asses, set them straight, and drags them around by their ears during his time and holds them accountable for behaving.  Right?

I can't immagine a Judge doing anythign but smacking these toxic spawn with his gavel if they even tried to force this idiot situation into a CO.