Skids are suffocating me!!
SD10, SS14....(DH has custody and I have S7 and custody as well) Totally atached to their dad's hip and suffocating me to death!!!!!!!!!!! 6 days a week, No matter where we are, the front yard, the garage, our bedroom, the kitchen, there is SD10 right on her dad's heals. I am so tired of it. If it's not the SD it's the SS if it's not one of them he's on the phone with SS19, SD21, SS23!!!!!! DH know's when I go to our room to watch TV that means I am "kidded out". NO KIDS! I close the bedroom door, he leaves it open, that is an invite for SD10 to come in EVERY 2 min to say, "Oh Dad, when I was at school, Jeff in my class said this....and I said this...and he said this...and I was like this..." 2 min later, "Oh Dad, I was outside and I was thinking this...then I told myself this...but I was like this..." 2 min later, "Oh Dad, I was getting a glass of water and the cat did this...and I did this....and I was like this..." OMG MAKE IT STOP!!!! I know, she is just a little girl but STOOOOPPPPP!!! We just get back home from picking the kids up from school friday,SS14 calls, Dad, "I didn't plan out my afterschool plans like you have told me 500 times to do and I was bullshiting with all my friends afterschool instead and I know you all probably just got back home from picking up the other 2 kids, but I really don't give a shit cause I am rude, lazy and flat out don't care what you have told me in the past, so your gonna get back in the truck and drive 1 freaking mile back to the school to pick me up and your gonna do it right now or I will give you the gilt trip of a life time cause I am too lazy to walk my sorry ass home!" Ok, so, he didn't say it like that word for word, but I'm not kidding or exagerating, that is how the conversation, in not so many words goes!!! SHOOT ME NOW PLEASE!!!!!!!! 6:30am SS14 is texting from the basement to his dad that he is awake. DON"T CARE! I would like to do other things with DH at 630am but NOOOOO we will get all into it and his phone with go off from one of his kids and don't know about you but once they get in my head, there is NO MORE nothing going on after that! Can't do anything at 10 or even 11 at night cause SS19 will call talking about his freakin motor with DH! Anyhow....any ideas on how to run away? LOL P.S. my 7yr old, he is totally indepindent and loves to do his own thing! My 7yr old, NOT SUFFOCATING DH!!!! Start teaching your kids to wipe their own butt's cause I am so sick of you having to do it every 5 min of every day of our stinking lives together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel your pain. I also try
I feel your pain. I also try to think from their perspective. I realize that my SD may be processing her parents' divorce differently and is searching for stability, so is clinging to DH. I think she also sees me as someone who is taking time away from time with DH, because before me, it was her and DH for about six months.
That being said, I think this behavior in children also stems from the way the biological parents treat the child. BM babies SD to a point. Me, I don't do it at all. And I can't imagine if I had my own children, that I would be bsbying them either.
When I have mentioned to SD about the importance of acquiring independence because as she grows up and becomes an adult, there WILL be times when someone is not around, she just gives me a blank stare, because right now she knows BM will cater to her, and DH to a point also when she is here. And I don't just want independence for SD for my sake, but for her sake too, because that dependency will just transfer over to someone else as she gets older, like a boyfriend or husband.
It's a difficult situation all around.