SD19 FInally Getting A Mouthful
Well, ironically I posted for the first time earlier this evening about my free reigning SD19 and my DH's failure to parent and control her and her entitled behavior.
It just so happens that tonight, things may actually begin to turn around. SD19 FINALLY did something that caused DH to blow his top and go off!
SD19 had to be at her college from 4:30-6:30pm tonight for her intramural sports games. However, it's now past 11:00pm and she has yet to arrive home. I already knew SD was hanging out with her mystery friends on campus, probably up to things she shouldn't be up to. None the less I wasn't going to say anything about SD's failure to come home at a descent time, I was just going to let it go and leave it up to DH on whether or not he would address it or care.
I come to bed to go to sleep and my cell phone goes off. It's a text from SD19!
She seriously asked me in a text if she could bring her friends laundry over to our house to wash their clothes! This was at 10:00pm! Naturally, I wasn't happy about this idea at all...for several reasons, mainly I didn't know who this other kid was, it was too late in my opinion to be doing this, SD19 doesn't even do her own damn laundry and can hardly get her dirty laundry in the hamper but she's willing to do her friends laundry??
I showed DH the text and read it aloud to him. He suddenly went off and became angry, saying that no, she couldn't do it, it would become an every week thing, he didn't know the kid and he felt she was being used PLUS she didn't do her OWN laundry in the first place. I was shocked at DH's response, I agreed with his view for once 100% and was actually relieved he told her NO and explained why in a text.
Anyway, DH becomes angry because he knows which kid she is hanging out with and doesn't necessarily like it. DH tells SD19 that he wants her to come home NOW because he wants to talk to her. SD19 proceeds to backtalk DH, telling him she's hanging out with her friend, that this friend has nothing to eat, so she's taking him out to grab something. DH becomes more infuriated. He then tells her that he's not paying for her gas anymore if she's just going to run around town in her car, driving everyone around, which od course she argues with and tries to deny.
She just walked through the door and it's midnight. DH is about to talk to her and I can't wait to see how this goes.
Sd at 19 is an adult. she
Sd at 19 is an adult. she cannot make your house the laundry room at that hour expecaily if she hardly does her own laundry.
let us know how it went. at least your Dh had a backbone.
young people at that age have no clue about boundaries and cant tell when they are being used by others. i actually had a skid bring her boyfriend's laundry home when she lived with us and the boyfriend lived in a dormitory. i am glad you told the Sd no and your Dh supported you. i doubt if they'd stay quiet at that hour anyway while the laundry was being done. i can see them going to the kitchen and having a snack or watching tv, talking and laughing all the while.