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SD going to university, are we on the hook for all of her costs?

newmk1980's picture

Just looking for some feedback from others with skids in university. My DH and I live in Canada (province of Saskatchewan). SD is 13, and we're just now starting to save for her university education. I've done a bit of research and what I've read concerns me. Are DH and I going to be expected to cover the FULL cost of her 1st university degree, in addition to continuing to pay her mother child support? We have a 14 month old daughter together and are expecting our 2nd child in 8 months. The idea of paying for a four year degree, plus all the expenses of our other two children scares me to death! Are there others out there who are in the same situation? What do the courts typically deem is reasonable for non-custodial parents to cover? Is the BM going to be expected to pony up any money of her own? What about student loans? What if she decides to go to school in another province, or abroad? So many questions....any feedback is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.

Anywho78's picture

Here in the States, the court order stipulates whether or not a parent is required to pay for college. My SO's degree states that he pays CS until his kids reach 18 years old or graduate from high school, whichever one comes last. Others that I know are required to pay CS until their child graduates from college while others don't pay CS but do pay a percentage of college costs until their child just depends.

Not sure about Canada though...have you read your DH's court order?

newmk1980's picture

Thanks for the responses. We have started an RESP for SD just recently. We contribute $100/mth, and yes thanks goodness the gov't kicks in another 20%. With so little time to save (again, she's already 13) every little bit helps.

just-a-mom: i'm not familiar with the term "section 7" expense. Can you clarify? I was aware of having to continue child maintenance while she was pursuing her first degree. Unfortunately, a discussion with the BM on this matter is not a possibility. We've tried in the past and her response has been that if SD`s education was paid for she wouldn`t ``appreciate`` it as much. BM thinks it`s a better life lesson if SD has to pay for the whole thing herself. I guess easy for BM to say when she`s not on the hook for anything.

oneoffour's picture

Sadly you were on the hook for these expenses when you married him. Didn't you know this?
I would speak to an attorney and see what the BM is supposed to contribute and what can be done. What is your SDs chosen career today? Is it likely to be expensive? Will she remian at home?
Can your contribution be offset against her expenses for living with her mother? What happens if she doesn't go to college? Can you roll the savings over to your other 2 children?

newmk1980's picture

oneoffour: in other words, are you asking if i knew what i was signing up for when I married DH. No, i guess I didn`t know everything...that`s why i have made it my business to find out. I don`t think I was completely niave....but I certainly underestimated the amount of time beyond the age of majority that we would be required to continue to support SD. To answer your questions, SD doesn`t know what she wants to do (she`s only 13), and she may decide not to pursue a post-secondary education. DH and I are trying to get prepared in case she does....not only for her future but for our children`s futures as well. We don`t want to be slammed with huge tuition costs at a time when our bio-kids are going to be expensive as well.

Is it likely to be expensive.....hmmm...i`m not sure if there is any kind of ``cheap`` post-secondary education available anymore....but she``s not talking about becoming a doctor or anything yet.

Where she will live is still up for debate. We want her to live with us, as there is a wonderful university, where I got my B Admin, in our city. She could live here rent free, so it`s cheaper for her and cheaper for us. Of course, BM has huge objections to this and want SD to study abroad!!! Typical BM....big dreams but no plan to pay for them.

No, the contributions to her RESP cannot be offset, and yes, if SD does not go to school I believe we can roll her portion over to the RESP``s we`ve set up for our bio-kids (waiting for confirmation from our financial planner on that question).

newmk1980's picture

incidentally, i researched section 7 expenses....interesting. I have to wonder if BM is aware that she could be required to pay a pro-rated amount of SD`s costs. DH would still have to cover the lion`s share, as his income is higher than BM`s (what she claims anyway...she`s a hairdresser who makes a lot of her income under the table). It seems more likely that, when or if the time comes, we`ll need to go to court to straighten everything out. DH`s current agreement states nothing in section 7 about post-secondary costs, only child care costs.

oneoffour's picture

OK. Thanks for clearing up a few facts. My question wasn't meant to be nasty. I just wondered why someone would have further children knowing they are on the hook for another childs future education.

Now I wonder if the tertiary education HAS to take place in Canada for you to have to contribute. That may be something you might want to look into. I mean legally can the Canadian system legally force you to pay for tuition in another country?

My comment about the expensiveness relates to... well lawyer, doctor, nurse, journalist, beautician. I am sure even in Canada the costs for these courses of study wildly vary.

And discussions with your SD may well start with what she would like to be. She may want to be a vulcanologist (for arguements sake and that is what I wanted to be *grin*). If you research the options with her now like length of study and where she COULD study and (for yourselves)potential future costs.