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Probs w/ MIL

MartiniZena's picture

Hello everybody!
I'm THRILLED to find this forum!

I was curious to know if anybody has problems with their MIL?
My hubby and I live about 1500 miles from his first son, which happens to be in the same city that his parents live in.

We have 2 children of our own.

MIL goes to all the sporting events, school events of my SS. She only calls us, emails or texts to talk about SS. MIL manipulates situations, gives guilt trips, etc, etc when she thinks that DH needs to visit.
Our children are 1 & 2 yrs old, so we haven't been able to visit but a couple times a year due to being pregnant and with newborns.
MIL only wants to visit in the summer to bring out SS, not to visit our children.
She has told my DH that it was more important for him to spend Easter with SS than our children. I was SHOCKED when I found that out.
MIL playing favorites has changed my opinion of my SS. I honestly don't like the kid and don't care to see him anymore. I know it's horrible! I feel terrible for saying it!!
But I feel like MIL is pushing SS and DH's exwife into our relationship and family.
Any advice?!?!

MartiniZena's picture

And to add....
since we are so far away, MIL gets SS once a month, and basically all holidays.