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Parental Alienation Syndrome

SMto5's picture

I saw in an other blog someone suggested to do research on Parental Alienation Syndrome and Guilty Parenting. I did so. And I found the symptoms of PAS and it was exactly what my SK's are going through. I couldn't believe they have a name for this. I wonder who else on here as read about PAS and recognize the symptoms in their SK's and what have you done about it. What other information could you share with me about PAS? I want to so bad print out some of this information and show my in-laws or even leave it out by the computer because the SK's would be nosy and read it!

stormabruin's picture

There's a book titled, "Divorce Poison" that is all about parental alienation. I read it after it was recomnended by several members here. It discusses the different forms & methods of alienation, different degrees, & addresses ways of coping with it. I checked it out at our local library.