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Fighting for first place!!!

SMto5's picture

Who comes first.....the new wife or the SK's? According to BM and in-laws the SK's come first. DH had to tell SS17 and SD15 they are not welcome in my home. After an other episode of name calling. No matter how bad they disrecpect DH and I or the nasty words they call me (bitch,slut, cunt,whore) not to my face, all over Facebook....we get from BM and in-laws "they are just kids ignore it"...."they will always be your kids"...."blood is thicker than water!" After 7 years of trying with this kids, I am done trying to even have a civil relationship. Even with the in-laws too! I am always the one to blame somehow. No matter what DH says/doesn't say...or does/doesn't do it because of me!

aggravated1's picture

"and they are entitled to free speech on Facebook without retribution"

Are you serious???????

She should really let someone call her those names on FB and there be nothing said??? WTF???

distorted reality's picture

YOU come FIRST. Period! Sorry you're having a rough go of it. BM and In-Laws's should STFU!

mom2five's picture

If one of my kids...step or bio....talked to me or about me like that, my DH would knock him across the room. And yes...I mean that literally. He would never allow anyone to talk to me like that...much less a child.

And all five of our kids know that. I'm not sure how your situation got to this point. But your DH is doing the right thing by not allowing it to continue.

purpledaisies's picture

I echo momtofive. My ss14 found out the hard way a few weeks ago when he talked to me like that. YOU come first period!! yes they will always be his kids but that doesn;t give them the go ahead to say or do whatever they want. I don;t care if it is a bio or skid that should NOT be tolerated! The bm and in laws are not doing them any favors by letting them do whatever they please!

anabihibik's picture

And, part of being a parent is teaching kids about respect. It isn't just about how you are treated in your home. If you posted on facebook how you feel about your skids the way they post about you, people would jump all over you. Why? Because you're publicly disrespecting your skids. If it isn't ok for the adult to do it, then the skids need to learn that it isn't proper behavior as part of becoming adults. Have the in-laws thought about that? Or, if you replaced your name with MIL's name, how would she feel then? Would her tune change?