overweight SD
I am a fairly new step parent with no children of my own. I have lived with my partner and sd8 for about 6 months now and everything has gone fairly well so far. My issue is SD is over weight she is 8 and though a tall 8 weighs 46kg she eats way to much and i am contantly stopping her from eating. my partner brings alot of junk food into the house and i have brought the issue up with him many times before but he just doesn't want to hear it and i know how much it is effecting sd who is concerned about her weight.
my other issue is she doesn't have a bed time she is up after midnight sometimes and i am just so sick of bringing it up and nothing happening about it what should i do? Although she is a good kid i just feel like there is zero disipline in our house any advice?
Overweight teen
I have a 5ft 200 lb.sd myself.We don't buy junk food.we have popcorn and fruit.They eat frozen pizza and cookies at their house and frequent fast food.Whenthey come over on weekends she cries in babytalk daddy I'm HHUUNNNGGRY! and he orders he her own ham bacon sausage double cheese pizza at 1 in the morning!He is aware there is a problem and that they sleep all day but he has that feed them to show love and give them what makes them happy guilt therapy.Last week on the news they showed a 300 lb 6 year old and I said nothing as we watched,he got very quiet.It is hurting her socially as she has no friends.
I had/have both of these problems
My SD (now 14) went from 70 pounds to 105 pounds from age seven to eight. I thought that was excessive (gaining 50 percent of her body weight in a year). Husband and BM were in a competition about who could be the most fun. And husband felt guilty about marrying me. So the child was getting taken for fast food five or more times a week. I finally pointed that out, and husband tried harder. But SD has terrible eating habits. She says she's a vegetarian but NEVER eats fruit or vegetables. Her diet consists of cheese pizza, french fries, Pepsi, and chocolate. And husband's family has a history of diabetes (husband's brother and father both have it). Frankly, after fighting tooth and nail with husband about this for two years, I gave up. He obviously wants her to be overweight. She is 5'4" and 145 pounds now, but her weight soon will start to expand now that her growth spurt in puberty is essentially over.
We had the same problem with bedtime. We still do. I firmly believe children need a good night's sleep. She used to fall asleep in school, and husband blamed BM. Every year at the beginning of the school year, I say, "Does SD have a bedtime?" And husband says, "I don't know." He lets SD run everything regarding her life, which drives me bonkers. I finally decided that if she failed in school because she wasn't getting enough sleep, that wasn't because of me. I tried, and failed, and I gave up.
I know this probably isn't a very satisfactory solution, but unless your SO is amenable to your suggestions, you are not going to get far with this.