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One more step back.

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Been doing everything for the skids this week since they're here for spring break and while im having a great time with them its taking its toll on my health. havnt gotten enough sleep or time to myself and its making me very cranky. i want to do everything with them, as much as i can because I WANT to, not because I HAVE to. I already told sd12 i would take her to pick up her cousin/best friend from school today because thats the one thing she really wanted to do this week and I told sd7 i would take her and the dog to the park and then take them all to barnes and noble to look at magazines (something I wanted to do with them because we all love magazines and i'm trying to get sd12 into reading SOMETHING). Anyway, I had to take a step back for myself. So, now I'm going to spend the rest of the afternoon relaxing and getting some work done for my business (which I had totally put on hold so i could spend time with the kids this week), then I'm going to a Mothers and More meeting tonight, where I'm going to start looking into starting a support group specifically for stepmothers through them.