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Need Help Disengaging...please help

stepmom929's picture

My ss6 lives with us full time. He is a good kid and I am a nice person, but he's lived with us for 2 years now and I don't feel a motherly "bond" with him at all. I feel like a babysitter when it's just the 2 of us, and when it's the three of us I wish he wasn't there. That might sound harsh but I'm just being honest. I love my husband so much and I don't have any plans to leave because of this, but I need help coping. Recently my ss6 has been acting up in school. Nothing major, but it's been pretty much a daily occurance that there is SOME issue...He loves attention and I think he's becoming the class clown. Not the end of the world by any means, according to my MIL, my husband was the same way, as are many other 6 year olds...
Anyway, the issue is that it makes me SO MAD. I am almost always the one who picks him up from school because I have a very fliexible schedule and my husband works a 9-5. When he tells me, most days, that he got in trouble for this or that I end up SCREAMING at him. I know that this is more about pent up frustration with having him with us all the time, and less about his actions. I am 7 months pregnant so this anger is really not good for me at the moment. I talked to my husband about it and he was more than happy to "take over" the discipline and made up a chart for me to follow, so if ss6 gets 1 tally mark, this happens, 2 tally marks, that that I can keep it consistant and he can discuss the issues with ss when he gets home from work. The problem is that I still get mad and usually end up yelling, and if I don't yell I ignore him in the hopes to avoid yelling....I just feel so annoyed with him! This disengaging (although it obviously can't be a complete disengagment because he lives with us), but it's not working....has anyone been here before? Can anyone offer some advice? I'm so tired of being mad.........................

Most Evil's picture

To me disengaging means your DH picks up his son from school and hears the behavior report. DH then reports to you, and you say, 'what's for dinner?'!!

Can't SS go to some kind of after school program? I did that and it worked great for me.

It sounds like you have most of the burden of SS's childcare, and on top of being pregnant too, no wonder you are a bit resentful!! Can you talk to DH and ask him to step up more?!! Wink

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

stepmom929's picture

The after school program at his school is available but it costs more, so since I'm home we don't usually send him. I think you're right though. I think if I can avoid that initial picking up from school I can avoid a lot of the stress I'm feeling... thanks for that idea! I'm going to talk to my husband about it. Smile