Need advice please!
I have been with my girlfriend for 2 years. We have lived together for about 8 months. She has an 11 year old daughter who also lives with us. I do not have any children of my own. Things were ok in the beginning. I tried to be involved with her daughter, helping with homework, teaching her right from wrong, etc. For the most part she is a good kid. Kind of imature for her age and does some things that really annoy me sometimes.
About 2 moths ago her daughter told me she loved me for the first time. This is where it all started becoming stressful for me. I do not love this child! Is that awful? How do you tell someone that you do not love their child. I dont really have any feelings for her. Am I being selfish? Now I think her daughter senses something may be wrong. She is just as uncomfortable around me as I am around her. While her mom is at work I stay in my bedroom. I cant keep hiding!
The stress has become too much! I am not being fair to my girlfriend, her daughter or myself so I broke down last night and spilled my guts. My girlfriend asked me if I want to try to make things better. I dont know how to do that! I cant change my feelings overnight!
I am just so confused. They both have been through alot. Her father is not in the picture. I dont understand how anyone wants to be around me these days as I am a grump most of the time. Could my girlfriend be hanging on for security reasons? Anyone else been down this road?
Any advice or opinions are greatly appreciated!
It takes 5-7 yrs to blend a
It takes 5-7 yrs to blend a family. Why would you love her? She is not your child. You do not need to try to make yourself love her. It can't be done.
Honestly, a I love you too is okay to say back. She is a child and she is looking for acceptance from you. There are many levels of love and I am sure there is something about her you to do love.
My co-worker has been a step dad for 5 yrs now. He just has gotten to the point he actually loves his step daughter. Not like his son, but it is not his. It's ok. He struggled with the honesty of it just like you do. I think that is normal.
I have a beautiful daughter 29. FDH has a 10 and 13 yr old guess what? I do not love his kids like my daughter. But I do care about them and I do tell them I love them when they say it to me. Children have a keen sense of people. This child feels your uncomfortableness around her. Just accept what is. You don't love her. That is ok! But you do need to think about what she needs, she is a child. Our children do not get a choice. They live with what decisions we make for them. This child is living with your and your GF's choices. If you say it to her, remember something about her that is loveable. Then you can say if with out the guilt of not being totally honest.
It takes growth for us as adults in these step children situations, but even more important: it is okay not to put so much pressure on yourself.
They are not ours! It takes time to make memories, share fun and painful times, to build a life together. Let yourself off the hook. Take one day at a time.
Don't stress yourself or your
Don't stress yourself or your relationship. You came into this girl's life in her later years, she wasn't a baby, or toddler, or even a preschooler... she was a full-blown kid. Already pretty set in her way of thinking. She took a chance and said 'the words' to you, which pretty much meant that she accepts you in her life and in the life of her mother. To many, that is a milestone that will never be reached.
You like the kid as a kid, right? Can you return her 'i love you's' with 'i love you too's'? You may not feel love for her, but it will tell her that you accepted her with her mother as a package deal, and will take away any fear or feelings of threat that you are there to take time and love of her mother away from her.
And then just continue. Continue helping with homework, teach her right from wrong, play with her... when the time comes, threaten little boys who show up at your door, have a man-to-man with the guy she believes is 'the one'.. Your feelings for her can evolve over time into something wonderful, or something less. But a Dad/Daughter relationship with a stepchild is not going to develop overnight.
I agree w/RaeRae. And you're
I agree w/RaeRae. And you're being much too hard on yourself. Your relationship is new so give it time. It's ok to be grumpy sometimes, we're all human, but don't be grumpy because you're beating yourself up over what you don't feel.
How about looking at it like this? You love her as a human being right? And as an extension of her mom. And as far as I read she hasn't done anything to cause you to dislike her, so when she tells you, "I love you" you can honestly tell her you love her back without feeling guilty. Change your perspective, stop beating yourself up, and everything else will fall into place.
Good luck.
This is the hardest/longest
This is the hardest/longest relationship to develop is that between step-daughter & step-dad. Men don't develop those feelings as quickly as women do. I know it took my BF at least 1 1/2 yrs (living together) before he started to have more caring feelings towards my BD and they have always got along great! It just takes time .... don't be too stressed and take it one day at a time. You obviously care for her if you are helping with homework and the caring for her ... and that is a good start. It will all fall into place & develop over time.
Good luck!
Hi Stealthy, I'm so sorry you
Hi Stealthy,
I'm so sorry you are experiencing these feelings, it's tough and I have totally been there! As I read your post, this part is what struck me the most as a possible red flag:
"The stress has become too much! I am not being fair to my girlfriend, her daughter or myself so I broke down last night and spilled my guts. My girlfriend asked me if I want to try to make things better. I dont know how to do that! I cant change my feelings overnight!
I am just so confused. They both have been through alot. Her father is not in the picture. I dont understand how anyone wants to be around me these days as I am a grump most of the time. Could my girlfriend be hanging on for security reasons?"
Forgive me if I sounds a bit like an "armchair psychologist" but, based on those statements you made above, I would have to say that this issue goes much deeper than being "stressed" about her daughter and feeling guilty about your feelings. I might be totally wrong about this but here goes:
Is it possible that this issue with her daughter is not THE problem that has you this upset. This was really just a smaller, more manageable issue, which is easier to focus on and fix. I would even go so far as to say it helped distract your focus away from deeper fears you have about going forward with this relationship. You also stated that you are wondering why they would want to be around you right now and questioning whether she is with you for the wrong reasons (i.e. security). But could it be that you are starting to worry that you might be doing that same thing? Or perhaps you already know that you are unhappy and are staying out of a feeling of obligation and/or not wanting to put them through anymore than they already have been through? You sound like a really good guy and the fact that you are on this forum asking for help proves that you care a lot about others, especially your girlfriend and her daughter. Maybe you feel like you would be hurting them by breaking up and leaving so you begin to feel almost trapped, which manifests itself as "stress". You said that you broke down and told her everything and after all that she still asked if you wanted to work on it which put the decisions right back on your shoulders. That probably stressed you out even more! Please don't take any offense to this, but could it be that subconsciously you want her to break up with you? Again, this is just a theory from an outsider and only based on one post so it could very well be totally wrong.
Thank you all very much for
Thank you all very much for the advice and opinions. It really helps alot. I have decided to give it some time and see what develops. I am going to make more time for myself as well. I spent the whole day by myself today. Amazing how clear your mind becomes when you spend some time alone. I am not one to jump into things and going into this relationship I knew would there would be some obstacles so I am going to let the feelings come naturally. GF is very understanding. She's a keeper!