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need advice

Gana's picture

What do you do if your stepkids visit their mother and live with us and she is trying to be the cool parent and let them do whatever they want to do and we read their text messages and found out some stuff.

Do you approach the kids or the mother?

firecrackerz12's picture

I would let DH handle it but honestly BM are here on earth to make our life living hell

Gana's picture

Thank you ... he tried to call her to talk to her and all she did was freak out on the phone and call him names and bring up their past together..hello it's been over 7 years and she is still and he is as nice as pie to her and all he said is that he wants to talk to her about their teenage kids. hello grow up. Now what does he do

Helena.Handbasket's picture

As a "stepparent" I would stay out of it. She's a disney mom. No real parenting, just all the fun stuff. Then you have to get them back into routine and keep them on track in school.

You can't control what the other person does in their home, but DH could talk to her about trying to parent together. Keeping consistent. In all likelihood she will not listen and do whatever she wants.

If you get involved, you will just get frustrated.

Gana's picture

She is allowing him to smoke so we are really upset about this. And she (the adult) wont talk to him about it so I guess we have to confront the teenager.