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My pet peeve

bug3211's picture

I hate it when DH lets ss stay up after bedtime. Normally he goes to bed at 9 and tonight they started a movie at 8:45. Nothing worse than watching kids programming past 10 o'clock at night. Can anyone else relate? Think I'll go hide out in my bedroom.

Orange County Ca's picture

Get him a book on parenting off or local bookstore. Make sure it explains how important it is that a child's routine stays just that.

Accordn2L's picture

My SO does this with SD8. My BD11 has a 8:30 bedtime because she is a kid that needs a lot of sleep and school starts early! I told him that SD8 needed to also be in bed no later than 8:30, yet without fail she finds some imaginary ailment, needs one more sip of water, can't get comfortable, and the list goes on and on so that DAAAAADDDDDDYYYYY will come running to her rescue. One night he was sick and had gone to bed early and she tried that crap with me, I told her to get her butt in that bed and if she came out of that room again her butt would be sore! It was a miracle! Didn't hear another peep out of her.

Drac0's picture

I said something similar to my SS once (before I disengaged). I said, "If you get out of bed again, the HOUSE BETTER BE ON FIRE!!!!". He never got of bed after that.

Drac0's picture

I've disengaged from this matter. SS's bedtime is 9pm. That 9 O'clock people!!! Not 10:00, not 9:30, not 9:05.....NINE!!!!

I can count on one hand how many times my SS has actually gone to bed on time and still have enough digits to count the age of my youngest bio!

So for me, my disengagement is simple. I flick a switch in my brain that registers the existence of SS. After 9pm, SS is no longer there. If he was watching TV, I just flic the channel to something I want to watch. If SS asks me for a snack past his bedtime, I just tell him to go ask DW.

Just last night SS successfully stalled saying he still had homework to do past his bedtime. Oh really? Then why was he playing on his iPad for an hour after supper? Whatever,...I just keep my trap shut. No good comes out of me yelling at him. DW is the one that gets an aneurysm screaming at SS to get up in the mornings.