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Shitty Sunday

Lady Danger's picture

Ugh. This weekend was the weekend with SS7. He's been unbearably whiny all day and doing his usual sucky wimpy helpless baby act to get attention. Instead of falling victim to it, I ignore him until he acts his age but daddy always gives in - which has caused an obvious shift in dynamic. SS knows he can play daddy and also be the victim to "LD's mean behavior" which pits daddy and son against me.

Tonight, while SS was whining about dinner - I told him to use his big boy voice to talk to me. He went for a pout in his bedroom. When daddy asked what was wrong, SS said I was bullying and picking on him. Daddy accuses me of being a bitch and tearing down SS's self esteem - whatever.

Currently I am awaiting this kid's bedtime so I can have some relief. DH asks if I want to watch a movie and I say "let's wait til SS goes to bed". It's 9pm, if this kid was mine he would be in bed already but Disney weekend guilty parent dad lets him stay up til he's unbearably cranky and bedtime becomes a fight - whatever. Sucky boy SS says he wants to stay up and watch a movie too. Heeeere we go. I say "doesn't he have to go to bed?" ... Cue pout, I'm a meanie again because I'm the ball-buster enforcing a bedtime. Are you fucking kidding g me??

Look - I'm not the guy with a kid that I don't want to parent. If you're a dad, guess what - YOURE THE DAD. you get to discipline, say no, impose boundaries and make the rules. Every two weekends my house is taken over by a seven year old who is entitled to get his way. I feel like renting a hotel room so I can call my own shots.


luchay's picture

UGh - to the late nights - no bedtime it's weekend funtimes and daddys! No bedtime, watch whatever the fuck you want - the games they play, the music they listen to, the movies they watch - this is more BM than my OH these days as I do police what they see, watch and play when the dd's are here.

But then *I* am the bad guy for saying the "f" word to ss10 ONCE.

Hey honey, have you noticed the porn videos you allow them to watch? The mayhem and murder and sex and language they see in the movies YOU allow?

But heaven forbid the kid hears ME swear.

Man that pissed me off.