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My parents are disney grandparents to my SD

Notmine's picture

I am so frustrated! My parents are supposed to come visit me for Christmas, but they aren't sure when to come because they just can't miss seeing SD while they are here. I know this is petty but it automatically makes me angry. I'm not even sure why, it's just frustrating to have every visit and activity surround SD.

Second, I was on the phone with my Mom and my SD was running into the screen door repeatedly because it freaked the dog out. I told SD to stop or I would give her a time out. My Mom goes "well obviously you need to plan a better day for SD she is obviously bored, try that instead of yelling at her." Excuse me? Oh I'm sorry that I wasn't catering to SD and told her not to do something, gasp! Call CPS, hurry!

Lord knows I'm about to lose my mind, and just needed to vent.

Orange County Ca's picture

It is the right, indeed the duty, of grandparents to spoil their grand-children and irritate their children with advise on how to raise them.

Sane parents say 'thanks' and get on with it.

I do hope they don't over-do Christmas and shower so many presents that the other grandparents feel intimidated. That would be a bad idea. If they must spend a lot of money insist on one present and the rest of the money into a college fund.

Notmine's picture

They don't have any grandchildren. All they have is my step daughter, who i suppose would be their step granddaughter? So I will not be insisting my parents who are not related to SD at all provide her college education for her. SD has two sets of her own grandparents who can do that.

Orange County Ca's picture

Doesn't change anything. I'm just saying if they insist on spending money don't let them outspend the other grandparents. Frankly there are a million step-parents who wish your problem was their only one.

StickAFork's picture

That's a grandparents job. I don't know why you're letting something like this get you worked up.

Oh, and I think your mom was right...SD was probably bored and needs some stimulation. That isn't the same as catering to her.