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just expecting that phone call on Sunday

discfocused's picture

Bm pisses me off with how much she has to call FDH. Every one of her birthdays and mothers days she calls him (she always has some reason) because deep down she wants recognition for that day. He does not give it to her of course but still. It irritates me that she finds it necessary to want that from him. I am still waiting for the next imaginary issue with her to pop up. In the past she has been "raped", had "seizures", had "men stalking her and looking through her window" and all sorts of other things. And everytime does she call her family or police... NOPE.. Baby Daddy!

discfocused's picture

Thats what I told him. The seizures were the thing that finally tipped me over the edge. She has pulled this crap for YEARS. When he called and said he had to go over there because she said she was having them and then had one while she was on the phone with him (ironic, eh?) I just yelled through the phone "ARE YOU REALLY THAT GULLIBLE". She wanted him to come over because she said she should go the the ER. Of course he got there and she was laying on the floor... yadda yadda yadda... then decided she didnt need to go to the E.R. I laid into him that night saying he's just as big of an idiot for believing her crap anymore as she is for pulling it. I could tell he even felt pretty stupid. She tried it one more time and he said it wasnt his problem, she should go see a doctor or a shrink and hung up. Ironically she never had another one after that.

Toooldfor this's picture

I had a similar problem although not nearly as dramatic! That chick deserves an academy award! My DH refused to not answer her calls because "it could be about the children". Calls kept coming even when the children were with us. He finally changed his cell phone number and told her she would have to call the house phone (and risk having me answer)! That did the trick!

discfocused's picture

I was thinking about doing that! lol I might bring it up to him. I have thought about just answering his cell before as well.

discfocused's picture

lol... OH HOW I WISH... Court order says no though. If he takes her back he is bringing it up though. She called 15 times in a row the other day while he was at work. He was busy working and could not answer so he sent her a text saying "If I didnt answer the first 12 times, what makes you think I am going to answer the next 12? Stop calling me, I am working!" She is NUTS. It gets worse whenever she is in between men. She is so unstable. If he had listened to me and recorded all the issues that she calls him about, how much the kids talk about how the ambulance has to come all the time because of her panic attacks and the fact that guys are moving in and out of her house every few weeks he could probably have full custody of them by now. She has already been investigated after her son was hit by a car when he was out running the streets at 830 and her 3 year old daughter walked half a mile away to the park by herself. But its his kids..... so whatever..

BSgoinon's picture

Wow, that's pretty extreme. Seizures, and being raped?? She has serious issues. He needs to put her on ignore!

discfocused's picture

I also think that is why her daughter is starting to have issues. The child rips out her eyelashes every few months. Normally it seems to happen whenever there is drama going on at bm's house.