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OT - a funny story after all the drama of the last few days....

luchay's picture

Had the funniest conversation with dd11 on the way home from ballet yesterday. She said "Mum, do you think when God made the world he expected us to do what we have with it? All the things we have invented? Like electricity and stuff?"

Thought for a second, and replied "Well, God gave us great brains, and free will, so I think yes, he did expect us to use those things to create our world."

DD11 "Yes, I guess so, but I bet even God didn't expect us to take it as far as we have - I mean even God couldn't imagine we would make some of this stuff..... like ipads!!!"

LMAO - I was thinking "men in space"; the not so good like nuclear weapons etc - and she thinks our greatest creation is the ipad...


LittlePanda's picture

I think that is remarkable for her to be able to understand at such a young age how advanced our tech is and even how amazing an ipad is. Especially with kids these days being born into the them it's us its the future! She must be an old soul to have made those statements! Smile Cool kid.