It's MY iPad!
I received a small bonus from work. I decided to use it to buy an iPad... which both DH and I use. I just bought a new case for it and DH mentioned that it doesn't seem to protect it as well as some of the other cases.
So, I told him that I didn't want SS10 playing with it AT ALL. He smiled, kind of chuckled and said "You're funny, babe". I said "What's so funny?! I don't want him playing with it AT ALL. He breaks everything." So, then he tells me "Well, at my OLD house (aka when he was still married to BM) I bought the kids their own iPad and they never broke it".
Ok, SS10 has broken (just listing electronics): His Nintendo DS (stomped on it because he lost a game and was mad), DH's MacBook (shattered the screen), the keyboard to the iMac, DH's last cell phone.... the list goes on.
What the hell? I don't want him playing with something that I spent close to $700 for. It's MINE. So, DH told me that I couldn't take it out or use it during the weekends that SS is with us then!!!
Ahhh... no, DH. You need to explain that it is off limits and he's not to play with it.
^^^ Yes! I almost forgot! I
^^^ Yes! I almost forgot! I mentioned this too! My facebook, emails, etc. He doesn't need access to this! DH told me: Yeah... that's why I never used to have any of that stuff linked to it!
Ok - so you spend that much on an electronic device to only use it to half its potential just so your kids can use it as a toy?! Fuck that.
JUst say no to the kid. Or
JUst say no to the kid. Or he can save his money and buy his own which is what my kid did....
Your DH needs to get his head
Your DH needs to get his head out of his arse, as he doesn't get to dictate how, where or who gets to use items YOU have purchased.
What is it with these men who apparently bleat on and on about hating being *controlled* because SM wants reasonable house rules and a healthy workable relationship with their skids, yet they are absolute control fanatics insisting SM does this or that in order to prove her devotion to him and his devil spawn?!
TBH I am shocked that your DH thinks your skid should be within breathing distance of really expensive electronics given he "stamped on his DS in a fit of temper because he lost a game" :jawdrop: WTF?! There would be ructions in my house if that happened, let alone anything else on your list. I would go apeshit, seriously.
While I would secretly fume and be disgusted if my partner allowed their child to be wantonly destructive with expensive things, I would make it crystal clear that:
1) If OH wants to be a fool and encourage his child to be disrespectful that that's up to him, however you will not foot any bill to repair, replace or indeed buy any of these items. That's YOUR choice.
2) Your items are your items. That is NOT code word for "let the games begin for skid to roll over it". If DH decides to be a dumbbell and overrule and disrespect this, then DH will be purchasing you something new and expensive. Refusal is futile, as you will take X amount out of the shared account or not pay a percentage of your household bills for that month in order to facilitate this. If DH hoots with the unfairness of the situation, remind him he disrespects your rights by giving his child free reign to put his grubby hands all over your stuff and ignores your feelings over this matter so the same rules applies to you. After all, we must be *fair* mustn't we?!
May I just add, I recently heard some horror stories from parents who have handed their children their iphones and tablets (to keep them quiet), only to have bills gushing through the door for several hundred pounds because said kid has purchased virtual items during gaming without knowing they are racking up real fees for parents. One such parent, had a MASSIVE shock when he found out little Timmy had bought a PORSCHE!!! Yes you read that right. Your DH needs his head read if he is risking that, is all I can say.
Stop letting your DH use it.
Stop letting your DH use it. Lock it and don't give him the password.
NOBODY but NOBODY uses my iPad.
As others have said, from there you can go directly into SO MANY of my personal accounts. It's MY iPad, I should be able to keep it set up to just open my email, go into facebook, etc. without worrying about anyone else getting in there and messing with my things!
So you aren't supposed to use
So you aren't supposed to use it in front of foot stomping fucking asshole brat?
Ha - I'd be all but rubbing it in the face of the little monster.
I'd password protect that
I'd password protect that thing and not let ANYONE else use it at all. If that's how he wants to be, he can buy himself one to share with the skid.
Wow. In general, I usually
Wow. In general, I usually appreciate your honestly in your posts. However... I don't know how I have ever been treated like a child by my DH. I already told him that I will use whatever I want in my own home. And, although he thinks that SS should be allowed to use it, he will back me up when SS asks for it.
In the beginning of my relationship, I zipped my lips over a lot of ridiculous scenarios. I don't think that my DH has ever treated me like a child though - that was never a problem we had, so I'm kind of confused by your statement.
I see what you're saying to
I see what you're saying to some extent. I agree that him telling me not to use it in front of SS was ridiculous - which is why I vented about it. I suppose the tone that he said it with was more like "well... if you use it in front of him, he's gonna want to use it" versus giving me commands. BUT - that being said... he should be able to tell his son NO without feeling guilty. The kid has every electronic device you could ask for... he doesn't need to play with expensive things we buy for ourselves. Therefore - he should have just understood and agreed from the get-go when I told him SS wasn't to use it.
I was married previously to an extremely controlling, verbally/mentally abusive man. It took me years & years of counseling to leave him... and then years & years of counseling to learn how to not get into that mess again. My DH knows this - and he's a very kind, gentle person. I don't ever feel like he's controlling to me. And, as much as his parenting style irritates me, he is a wonderful man who supports me - even when I am the one being difficult.
I suppose I just reacted immediately, knowing my own history because I know that my DH is not controlling. I don't want to give the impression that he is. He's just incapable of putting his foot down a lot of times.
He's getting much MUCH better though.
"Just because an adult gets
"Just because an adult gets something does not mean it also is the property of the child."
^^^^^This used to be a big issue in my house. DH would let the kids play with whatever they wanted. I finally got him to understand that we get to have things that are just ours. Now he hops all over the kids if they grab on of our phones or one of the laptops without asking.
LMAO @ one silly twit's
LMAO @ one silly twit's nattering post in this thread
OP.... to not use your own iPad in your own home on the weekend? F*ck. That. Sh*t. Make sure you get one of those "survivor" iPad covers from Best Buy (it's a very durable cover that prevents it from breaking...cost about $80.) so that YOU don't break it. I've cracked my own iPad once leaving it on the couch and my dog knocking it over.
Then...whip it out and use it whenever you like. }:)
I pads are personel computers
I pads are personel computers no one including my husband uses mine. maybe if we are sitting next to each other playing a game thats about it but not even my own bio kids use my i pad just as i dont use their i touchs or i phones. people and this includes moms are entitled to their personal space and stuff.
For the life of me, I can't
For the life of me, I can't understand this obsession of adults for children to have every damn new electronic device on the market. My SS15 doesn't have all of that crap (has playstation etc) but no smartphone, no ipad - they are kids for christ's sake! those things aren't toys and seem to be treated as such. Maybe tell you DH if he is so desperate for his kid to have one then he should buy him one from HIS work bonus. Or remind him with use of an ipad comes a data plan, no way would I let a 10yo (or a 16yo for that matter) get a hold of anything that uses up data, as I sure as hell wouldn't be paying for it.
SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS and he wants to let a kid with a proven record of carelessness and violence "play" with it. That kid doesn't even see that thing unless its in your hands and you lock it up when its not. Lock it in your glove compartment or trunk if nowhere else is available.
Not a chance Chuck. No way Jose. Not in awhile Crocodile. Forget it Bret.
I totally get your
I totally get your frustration! I would be careful about leaving it out when Skid is there though. You wouldn't want him to get "angry" over not getting his way and stomping on your ipad. I agree with PP's about password protecting it though. Although, I think it should already be locked since it links to your bank account.