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SS and the i-Pacifier

Drac0's picture

It’s both funny and sad at the same time, to see SS be without his precious iPad for a full 24 hours. I swear, he was like a tall version of Gollum. Part of you wants to pity the poor creature and another part of you is repulsed by him.

As I mentioned in my previous blog, I confiscated SS’s iPad and took it to work with me. SS is usually the last to leave the house so he has approx 20 minutes to himself. In that time, he texted DW three times.

SS: Mom, wheres my ipad?
SS: Mom u there?
SS: I cant find my ipad!

When I came home, DW was busy cleaning in the kitchen while BS and BD were playing in the living room. DW and I just started to chi-chat about our day when tall boy calls out from his bedroom.


DW goes to see him. She comes back to me and asks “SS wants to know if he can have his iPad back now.”

I look at the clock and respond “Nope! I took it from him at 8:30 last night. It is now only 6 o’clock. So he has to live without it for the next 2 and a half hours.”

DW goes back to SS’s bedroom to deliver the bad news. I don’t hear the whole of the conversation, but here is what I heard from my perspective:

DW: “No SS.”
SS: *whine*
DW: “You can have it later”
DW: “Then read a book!” *SLAM*

At suppertime SS just stared at his food. He didn’t want to eat. I was trying so hard to curb my laughter.

“If you are so bored SS, why don’t you help Drac0 in the basement later?” DW suggests.

I am busy trying to make room for my new workbench. It’s not a big job, but it will go more quickly with more hands. SS didn’t seem very enthused but he did help me. He managed to screw in a couple of bolts by himself (something he has never done before).

“Good job.” I said. “Since we’re almost done here and it is now 8:15, I guess I can give you your iPad back.”

SS’s eyes lit up like little crystal jewels. He sprung into action and suddenly had a burst of energy. He got so excited, that he bumped his head on a low overhang.

After I gave the “One Ring” back to SS, he grabbed it an bolted up the stairs (almost hitting his head again) and went straight into his room….never to be heard from again until the next morning.

The next morning, SS got up an hour earlier than everyone else, and went straight for his iPad to continue his binge.


thinkthrice's picture

"SS’s eyes lit up like little crystal jewels"

At the prospects of receiving and send more soft core porn :barf:

thinkthrice's picture

Oh but that would backfire. DW would proclaim that edict "too harsh" for her little pumpkiny wumpkiny and Drac0 would be in the dog house with her.

Drac0's picture

>you may want to go Bilbo on his ass and steal that thing<

You that riddle game? Oh I can just see it now!

Drac0: "What do I have in my pocket?"

SS: "Urm....a banana?"

Drac0's picture


new to this's picture

Why would DW even ask you if SS could have it? Was she not in on the 24 hours also, she shouldn't have even asked. She should have just told him no!!

Drac0's picture

I could answer this if you can answer me why after the first time DW levied any kind of punishment, she took him out for ice cream for being a big boy and taking his punishment so well. This was a couple of years ago.

Suffice to say DW is still a little unclear on the concept.

Drac0's picture

It's true. It happened when SS was around 9 or 10. He forgot his homework for like the 6th time and DW had reached her limit and decided to punish him with no TV, no video games, etc. Well the next day, DW figured that since SS took the punishment "like a man" she decided to take him out for ice cream as a reward.

Drac0's picture

Your DH and my Dad are on the same page!

Now, how do I do that without falling into the evil step-Dad stereotype? Or should I care at this point?