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Just don't understand SD

Baby_Girl1983's picture

So I know I'm the evil SM and cannot for whatever reason get along with my SD at all..12 yo little *itch is all she is to me anymore..I expect very little from her anymore been putting up with her crap for the past 10 years and IM DONE!! She has zero responsibiliies anymore no chores don't even have to do homework nothing..I figure six more years of this crap and shes 18 shes out on her ass and I'm changing my number and everything..god I cannot wait!!!! Shes on meds but seriously meds only go so far a and if she won't meet me halfway why the hell should I care about the little asshole..I have my other two incredible kids to deal with shes a mistake and I fuckin wish she was never born!!!

oncechoosetosmile's picture

Is your SO supporting you or does he leave all the disciplining etc to you?Since mostly the frustration comes from situations where the DH's are busy princessing their spoiled offspring whereas the step moms feel they have no say in their own house....if this is the case, work on DH first.
I doubt you are evil,darling, I can hear your frustration and anger though!!!!

Baby_Girl1983's picture

yes thankfully my DH is super supportive in everything :)especially the discipline..recently ive started a new thing where i write down anything my bratty SD does or our son and he deals with it when he gets home and he has absolutely no problem with this at all..hes a dream of a husband and im so thankful hes not like alot of other husbands that blame the far so good i just let my step brat come and go as she pleases and figure eventually shell be outta here and out of my life..oh those will be happier days for sure!

giveitago's picture

Yep, I made a herculean effort with SKids to begin with. Disengaged is what I am, I am polite to them and reasonably interested in what's going on but I take no part in their upbringing. DH sees for himself how bad they really are now and he's begun to take measures to limit them using and abusing us...well...him mainly! They cannot abuse me if I am not giving in to them!

Baby_Girl1983's picture

i hear ya! its been ten years and a year placement at a facility for my brat SD and ive been there every step of the one of those individuals that dosent easily give up on people but yeah ten years later with this girl and she has proven she cares for no one but herself..we dont spoil her and she only ever gets necessaties and im fine with that but yeah ive tried and i know i havent failed its just shes too far gone for anyone to get through to..the therapy is a joke and meds are too..its like she dont get one pill its a total bitch fit ughhhh..lately though i dont deal with her unless i absolutely have to..sometimes its so depressing thinking ive wasted ten years of my life with this brat but my younger SD is a sweetie, i love my husband hes wonderful and we have a beautiful son together so i just concentrate on those three and help my other two children become successful since i know my older SD has no chance..i always tell her karmas a bitch and shell learn and so she will..cannot wait soon as shes out of the house i have plans to uproot us to a different home where we can live peacefully and hopefully itll be our house that will be free from damage because she wont be in it..yeah gotta fix so much stuff in our rental because of her stupid ass busting stuff up! also have plans to change my number too once shes husband is awesome he says she has nowhere to go hell drop her off at the local homeless shelter lol..all in all in staying strong!

OptimisticMe's picture

Does she have RAD? She sounds just like my RAD SD. We couldn't get her placed long term, though so she is now living with inlaws. She will NOT be coming back to my house, she damages me, my kids, our home and belongings...not to mention stealing everything she sees and then lying about it. THAT dysfunction will not return!

Oh and you are not a failure. I feel that way, too but a support board for parents of RADs reminds me "you can't help someone that doesn't want to be helped". Her choice not to accept it and try to get did all you could for her.

OptimisticMe's picture

Raise one like this and you will change your mind. Yep, it sounds like she is full of hatred and needs to be an adult. It sounds like she is an evil step-mom. I have walked in her shoes and know this is what one becomes when professionals won't diagnose your kid because she manipulates them, when state facilities turn their backs on you and when you feel like your life and your bio's lives are in danger and yet no one will help you with the problem child. When all of your friends un-friend you because they believe the lies your child tells them, when you feel CPS will take your bios because your step lies about abuse. But you can't do anything because no one will help you. Yep, that is what hopelessness looks like.