help's picture

please help me i am losing my husband..i told him i dont want to live with his daughter anymore and he is leaving me with her..i love my husband i just dont want her to live with me anymore..i cant take no more shit and he refuses to disipline her..i am so sick of this shit..


stepmom-at20's picture

How old is his daughter? if she is 18 its about time she finds her own way if she is younger unfortunatly even tho i know its frustrating he will choose his own fleash and blood.'s picture

it is like nobody understands..he doesnt see the lil sneaky shit she does..or how she is so manipulative..and he is so made...SO MAD..his eyes even look different..I know it was wrong for me to scream at her and say I didnt want her here..her mother does nothing for her..and it is not like where she is on drugs and all messed up..why cant she take her kid? i feel like i am dying..i love him and i know he loves me..all his life his father put him down and made him scared and now he wont stand up to anyone..not even the 11 year old..she is really laying it on thick too sayin she is scared of me..yeah ok..that is bullshit man..i didnt even hear from him yesterday..please somebody HELP ME..every minute seems like an eternity..i cant stand this..