It's over! I'm tired of being disrespected and treated in a manner that no one in a relationship should ever be treated! I just broke up with my DBF of 9 total years and there is no looking back....I feel like all that I've been through was a total waste of time that I can never get back. All the counseling...a waste...all the talking...a waste...and what am I left with? My heart is broken and I don't know how I will go forward from this point...
I wish that many times too!!
“You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”
will go forward! You are out of the quicksand & are getting your legs back. Each day you will get stronger. Go buy a new dress & put on your prettiest lipstick and dangling earrings!
It wasn't a waste!
Because of all this you are so much smarter now! Plus, you haven't wasted more years of your life. In the dark moments just imagine what your life would be like three years from now if you stayed on the losing team.
Cry until the tears are gone (we've all been there and will be again), and get set for the next chapter in your life! You are a courageous woman for sure--how many would have simply stayed put in an awful situation and not made the change? Not you!:-)
Its only been 15 mos for me
and I have an appointmentw/ an attorney this wed.I feel all used up and have nothing left.They have sucked me dry in every way a human being can be.I have nothing left to give and feel alone and empty.If I have any hope of gaining back any self respect I know I need to extricate myself from this trainwreck.
So proud of you!!!
If I didn't already invest seven years into my relationship with DH BEFORE we moved in together (when BM went psycho, took him to court, and DH started getting visitation andh aving to deal with BM on a regular basis)...I would of done what you're doing. So this is the fourth year dealing with his BS..I had to make a choice, dug my grave, and now have to deal with the unappealing realities of being a stepmom.
Don't dwell on're one of the stronger ones. Don't look at it as a waste of time, look at it as a learning experience...and one you're relieved and glad to be rid of. Imagine.....five years down the line...hopefully you'll be with someone without the baggage and giving you the undivided attention and love everyone deserves..and US? LOL, we'll still be dealing with BM and SK issues! Look up!!! It hurts now, but the pain now, will save you a lifetime (or many years) of constant pain
I wrote this a while back, RE: Life
This may or may not pertain to you, but i wrote this on my MYSPACE BLOG a while back.
Waste of Time??
Current mood: thankful
Category: Life
ya know, looking back at my past, and resenting myself 4 staying in those horrible moments that i could have so easily ran away from, i have realized that everything happens for a reason. Although i wish things would have turned out differently, i know u cannot change anyone, but u can always change your situation. Its a shame when the people who are supposed to care the most; DONT! But i realized through all of that, if i hadnt gone through what i did, then i would not appreciate the things i have now. Like a wonderful, sincere, caring man in my life, who has taken all of my baggage and held it as if it was a feather. and for that i Luv him and the person he is.
but i just wish for my son's sake the person who was supposed to care the most; would!
You cannot change the past, or the people in your lives, so roll with it and the love the people u care most for and the ones who care the most for u..
and I forgot
Not to mention....your pocketbook will be a lot fatter to splurge on yourself and your future new significant other
traveling, houses, the world is yours!!! without the financial hole that a lot of us have to deal with
make a pro and con it every now and then. You'll see that the con list is emotional. The pro list is a smack of reality...something you'll appreciate and believe..and wonder why the hell it took you so long to get outta this situation!