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It's me.........too initmate or no?

tradingplaces's picture

This might be really petty of me, but I find it really annoying that every message BM leaves for DH says "Hi, it's me". Am I the only one that finds that intimate? They have a very high conflict co parenting relationship, don't speak and she only calls to have SD call her back. When they were together, she would sign her emails Love, me. Shouldn't I be the only one to tell my husband "it's me"???

If this is crazy of me to be perturbed about, feel free to lay it on me. But curious what you guys thought.



newmommy05's picture

Our BM has never said that as far as I know but that would irritate me too. I would probably say to DH upon hearing the message... "who's me?" casually and what he says. I would say if he laughs and plays along then he doesn't care. But if he defends her and says, "you know who that is..." that would be different.

justanothergurlNJ's picture

One would think it's nothing, but it would bother me to because of my hatred for BM. I hate when she send him a text and starts it out with good morning GRRR go fuck yourself cunt don't be saying good morning yo my man. You had him and treated him like shit just STFU and go away. Swear there are days I feel like if this bitch doesn't go away then I will!!! I have those days alot more now then ever before!!!! I feel ya sista!

Kes's picture

It is KIND of intimate, but I would feel awkward phoning my exH and saying "Hi, its Kes" it would feel strange somehow. We know each other's voices too well.

msg1986's picture

It does sound pettty BUT I feel the same when BM texts FDH about ss4. She'll texted things like, "can you bring our baby home at 5" or "our baby has a cavity" etc. It bugs me because to me if feels like she can't let go or something. I understand they have a son but I dont know... It's just weird.

TASHA1983's picture

My BF and I NEVER answer BM calls! If she calls we let it go straight to vmail every time and then we listen to her moronic vmails and text back. PERIOD.

Don't ever answer her calls/vmails with a call back. Just text her and say your version of "What do you want?" Smile

There is no law that says that you have to answer her calls & no Judge that can make you either, if you choose to communicate only by text and email that is your choice and right as to not have to deal with her verbally, because we all know how THAT can go..... Wink

lawyergirl06's picture

I have a tendency to do that more and more often with the advent of cell phones because they have caller id. It's something to do with not having grown up with that technology so now I am just the opposite of my mother. She calls and gives me a long winded explanation of who she is....It's actually hilarious so I think I went the opposite way.

tradingplaces's picture

Good food for thought ladies, thank you! I guess there's no way to stop it though right? I mean if my DH emails her & asks her to stop than is that really petty? My DH definitely doesn't defend her or even speak to her. I don't know why she does it. She also ALWAYS does the "our baby" and "our daughter" and "our child" thing constantly and I can't help it, it drives me nuts. She also constantly refers to she and SD7 as "we". Like some creepy little unit. For example "please return our lunchbox" "we have decided go out of town this weekend" "we would like to know if you'll pay for x" ...I know, I know I sound like such a petty b*@c# but I can't help it.....ugh.

sterlingsilver's picture

I say that on my ex's answering machine (he never answers the phone when I call) and then leave a message. My son once told me he deletes anything from me without listening but I still do my duty when it comes to communicating about the kids. He doesn't have a gf yet tho so no biggy.

Queeny's picture

Love and hate are so similar, you could view it as a positive there!!! But if I were to think about it, yes, it would bother me.

oldone's picture

I think "it's me" is stupid. Either the person recognizes your voice or not. If not - identify yourself.

I am rude to people who will not identify themselves. I can't believe how many people just assume that I will recognize their voice. Caller ID is fine but on my mobil I may not have them entered. It pisses me off when people don't say who they are.

And if I don't talk to you but every 4-5 years please give your last name too. I know 6 people with your first name. Don't make me guest which one you are.