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What is up with authoritarian BM's?

tradingplaces's picture

ALL of her communications are: "I EXPECT be reimbursed in full", "You NEED to provide me with this information" etc etc. I am so sick of her commands and entitlement. Please tell me there is some way to combat this or at least a way to not let it drive me crazy!

Cozy's picture

You've described my BM. I recommend a lackadaisical approach, it seems to drive these types WILD. Uh-huh...sure. Gotcha. Alrighty, see ya then. The more laidback, the better. If you reply in kind, she wins. If you brush it off, it makes her blood boil. We never try to ¨scare¨ BM back when she does this, we just let her have her way. I just imagine how dumb a person must feel DEMANDING that an old pair of panties be returned to them and getting ¨OK, NP!¨ back in return. It's her wasted energy, not mine.

Midwest Stepmom's picture

My dh does this and it makes BM crazy. She will write a full on story of demands and dh will respond with "K" or "no". Sometimes if her request is completely stupid or if it's the second time she is sending it, he will just ignor her.

Anon2009's picture

I guess it depends on the info she wants. If she's looking for info on what food ss ate for lunch today, that's a bit ridiculous.

hbomb's picture

BM always threatens more money. DH calls her bluff and says fine lets go back to court, and she instantly backs down. She knows we pay over the required amount and she also can't afford an attorney. Why does it always have to be about money?!

lorlors's picture

My particular favourite: 'please confirm that you will provide a FULL FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION to SD12 school fees' (ie pay all of it)

No you money hungry bitch. If you want her privately educated pay for for it yourself!!!!!!!

It's the demanding tone that really irks.