It's been too many years!!
Ok, so I just really need to vent. 11 years ago I fell in love with a long time friend who I knew had 2 babies and a 6 yr old. I was also friends with BM2 for some time and BM1 of 6yr old was MIA. After about 2 yrs of BM2 "Wanting to kill me", she got over it and has almost been my aliance against BM1. BM1 is a sociopath. She birthed 4 children. #1 in jail since 14 yrs old #2 Sold (yes you read right. She SOLD the baby) #3 Dad got restraining order against her so she left the state and got knocked up by DH with #4, my SD if you must. After about 2 yrs of living with my then boyfriend, BM1 comes out of the woodworks wanting visitation with SD. Ofcoarse she shows up telling him "You know you still love me" (Which she still texts him)He put a stop to that right there. Anyways another 3 yrs go by and I get pregnant, and it was 3 yrs full of her calling DCF, tring to kidnap SD, of coarse lots of court dates because she wanted child support for a child she didn't have(when she disappeared, DH never filed for custody)She has showed up at my door, start punching herself in the face and pulling her own hair, then call the cops and say my DH hit her. It got to where I would call the cops 1st to let them know what was happening. She has a horrible track record for not sending SD to school, leaving her with random people and everytime I turned around she was with a new guy telling everyone that she was pergnant to try and keep the guy. BM1 must have saw red when she found out I was pregnant with a girl bacause, and I quote "I hope you lose the baby bacause you werent supposed to get prengant in the 1st place" The woman is a pathalogical liar that has venom running through her veins. Her track record is finding a new guy to leach off of, then when he tries to break up with her, she hits herself and things of that sorts. Calls the cops and has the guy removed from his own home. Then stays there rent free untill shes evicted. She's done it to the last 5 guys that I've seen. Well fast forward another 5 yrs and the SD moved in with BM, went to court and got a restraining order against me with false claims that I punched her & pushed her down the stairs (following in her mothers footsteps, huh?)she stolen and visted DH for info for her mother & $ only. Well needless to say she is no longer allowed at my home. Why, so they can call the cops tring to get me arrested in my own home? I just don't need that stuff around my kids. Anyway,BM dropped SD out of highschooland into a GED program, which she couldent complete either, because she was a 17 yr old Freshman with only 3 credits in 3 yrs. Well don't you know, the day before her 18th birthday her mother reenrolls her in HS, for paperwork purposes only in DEC, the day before Christmas break. She went that one day, but paperwork wise, she's back in HS and DH has to pay for that much longer. I wish I could actually describe the evil vile person she is. Well, that all I actually have the energy for. I just need this situation to go away.
I made him contact Child
I made him contact Child Support Enforcement and appearantely they went to court already. Not one item ever came for him saying that this was happening. Anyway the judge reactivated the case untill June, when she's "Supposed to graduate". This is soo not happening!! She stopped going after day 2!! I am just so tired of it all!! 11 years is a long time to have to fight off this venom.