I wonder wot these skids marriage will be like
I just realised something....If these skids of ours have no idea on how to love someone....or no idea when someone is showing them love then when they finally get married it will be a doomed. So Im thinking they will be expecting us to look after the neglicted grandchildren???? Or they will come home and want us to look after them....or will they go to the BM's house?
Thanks Mustang1 I have my
Thanks Mustang1 I have my kids living with me and DH....and they are learning what its like to finally live in a house where parents love each other....but his are so all over the place living with the BM who baits them....
Kids have never lived in a house with love...in fact his kids wear lied to about the divorce of their mother and my DH...and they all pretended to be still together for about 4 years after....??? and to top all that....they now live and continue to live with their practicing lesbian mother and partner???
they i expect, will have no hope for the future
I'm wondering the same thing
I'm wondering the same thing about SD (27) whose getting married next year.
I think SD thinks that love will be enough . .but it never is . .as indicated by the recent divorce rate.
She's going to pull the same selfish, petty, vindictive BS w/her husband that she's been pulling on us and the stuff is going to hit the roof. I truly expect her to try to run back home, but it's not happening.
She has an advanced degree, but obviously the schools aren't teaching anything about kindnes, compassion or common sense. SD is in for a rude awakening. She's scheduled to receive bad karma from all the conflict she's caused in our marriage . . . and karma always shows up on time.
you know what....Im beyond
you know what....Im beyond caring at the moment....I love my husband and he loves me....these little shits are not going to break us apart eva....stuff them....
Im going to plan our retirement and head to Australia in an RV a bikini lots of beer good wine and NO KIDS...just me and my husband touring around the county side and there aint no phone or internet service out in the guts of that beautiful country so HUH...

More than likely they will
More than likely they will have failed relationships until they realize that they have the power to change themselves. They may or may not have to come home with kids. I was brought up to take care of family so all of our children will be allowed to come home. I doubt my skids will EVER move here. And hopefully they will be like me and realize that they have the control in their life- to love and be loved and that being a divorced kid being brought up in a home where it was obvious that you were not wanted and you were a burden is where is should be- in my past, it does not wield power over my future. If it did that meant she won again- and I couldn't have that at all.
Being brought up in a broken
Being brought up in a broken home full of hate and regret is the worst for kids.
Being brought up in a home full of love provides stability for you to pull yourself together, and realize you gotta look after yourself so instead of ranting and raving like a 2year old trying to get material items when you want...you gotta draw on your characture to be liked....and if thats the lesson that a step mother/bio father teach some of these little monsters SO BE IT!!!