Ideas on how to piss of a bitchy BM
When having to deal with skids over for the weekend and you really cant stand them....organize for you and your husband to do gardening/build BBQ/chop trees/paint/replace the carpet what ever... and make sure it takes all weekend so that the two of you do it together and horrible kids are left out.
I think that if you have NICE SKIDS they will praise what you are doing...& maybe wanna help
BUT, if you have ones like I have they will
whine and complain...
give out all the dirty looks they can manifest...
believe their father is neglicting them cos
he isnt spending money on them and
he spends too much time on you
then they will go back to the BM and complain about you...and I guarantee this sort of 'doing stuff around our house togetherness' would really piss off the BM....
sorry I just love ideas to piss off BM Please reply with some more so I can try them....xxxx
That being said....Im not too sure...but if the nice skids helped they would learn skills that they cld replicate in their BM's place and it might keep her shut up for a while....
meh, i just think living a
meh, i just think living a normal happy relationship where SO actually wants to spend time with me instead of holing up on the computer and sleeping with the kids every night must piss her off enough.
They hadnt shared a bed for 9 of the 11 years they were married. We can't stand sleeping apart.
My SO was borderline alchoholic and severley depressed when he was with bm. he is like a changed man now...and boy oh boy does she hear about it from all the mutual friends they still have.
yeah same same here.....but I
yeah same same here.....but I still love to piss her off....only because she is so JEALOUS OF ME....its the point that she has to bad mouth me to her kids and everyone else that will listen...
she is such a gutter mouth
Well guess what....when you
Well guess what....when you go round bullshitting stories about me who has just moved into the area with my are dealing with fire...Im driving the karma bus alright ...back into the bitches face and b/c her kids have taken a knife to their dad on serveral occassions because they believe their mothers lesbian lifestyle is all their fathers fault...and they divorce that occured is all my fault, they deserve a bit of punch back too.
Shame no parenting had been going on here since the divorce 6 years ago and probably earlier...but there is no way I am sitting in my bedroom all weekend whilst they are here refusing to cooperate with us...and Im sick of being carted all over the country side to do what they HAVE TO DO...
Im getting my own back and if you want something that doesnt appear to be a directly intentionally piss them off then go for it...
if you dont...fine stay upset and grizzle....Im past that stage now....our calender is full for quite some time on the weekends....these kids wanna join us then fine...but we are sick of them demanding things of us - besides they are teenagers not 6 year olds....they should be able to find things to amuse themselves instead they get great joy and hope that they will break my marriage up by always interfering with us talking, eating, wont eat my home cooked meals, wont allow us to have our music on...wont....let us do a thing without im over it....
your obviously not anywhere near my break point just yet....and I hope youdont have to go there....
I can see both points between
I can see both points between liks & stepAside....Both are very valid. I spend alot of time thinking of wicked ways to make BM (I love how that = to a bowel movement) miserable, inconvienenced, disrepected and insecure. But in the end what I have realized is that I just want to make her feel that way because I FEEL THAT WAY EVERYDAY. Not to mention the fear of God I have that my mean spirited thoughts would come back at me 10x = karma. I am starting to realize that she wouldn't do crappy & disrespected bullshit if I did not make it so obvious that it bugs me to death. HOWEVER.....I really don't know how to handle myself in her presence. She irritates me to such a degree that strangers around me can pick up on my mood shift. How does one develop thick skin without becoming hard and ugly??? I too want to develop ways to piss her off but it is just not who I am. So until I figure it out I will continue to try and be true to who I am, act in the best interest of the SD11 & SD13 and be happy with SO. Hopefully the honesty and integrity of that will come through. If not now but maybe when the girls are older and get some life expierence and realize that BM was being a real P.I.T.A.!
Meanwhile there is a Mother Father softball game this wkend that my SO expects me to cook for. Meanwhile she gets to play in the game and I can't even though I am there for every game and event. I really don't want to go and I know it will piss my SO off and make me look petty to other everyone. Like I said it's pretty obvious I can't stand her. Any suggestions.
I wouldn't cook for this
I wouldn't cook for this game. I wouldn't go either. If BM is being raised to "holy uterus" status, then she can take care of cooking for the game. Or have SO order pizza to the field. I've seen it done
I would not allow myself to be treated like a second class citizen for this game or any event.
Things that have made BM
Things that have made BM irate:
DH: I don't know I will need to check with 12yrsStepmonster to see. (now they are assuming that he is asking my permission- in reality all he was doing was saying what is the family schedule that day).
BM: Why can't 12yrs watch the kids why you are away- it's your responsibility and you have two people in your house, I only have one.
DH: She is busy and as you have said, her opinion doesn't count.
BM: I need extra money
DH: I'm sorry you didn't talk to me about this - i wasn't part of the decision making process, I'm not going to be part of the paying process.
BM: well you have two people working I only have one.
DH: That is true, but you get support and you have 3 people= BOth of us work and we have 6 to care and pay the support to you.
Hmmm I'm feeling much betta
Hmmm I'm feeling much betta today....
I had talk (or I screatched he listened) with DH and he now understands how pissed off I've been ova all this.
I still feel anger towards such a pathetic oxygen waster bm ....but I really can't be bothered using the fuel of my brain to think of her