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I told you so!

blended7's picture

I told you so!!! Why listen to me though? I mean I've only spent everyday at home with them for 3 years. I don't know anything.
Back story. My husband got custody 4 years ago. The judge gave BM a one year break before she was to start paying. Well 3 more years have passed and still nothing.
In the beginning she lived 5 min away and still only saw them once every few months.
My dh put in for a position closer to home for me & that was optimal for my parenting plan.
I didntvask, but have been blamed ever since.
BM moved to the opposite coast, still doesn't call, still hasn't seen them.
But when they do talk she goes on and on. Blah blah daddy took you away from me all so you could have a family with blended7's kids.
So I've been on dh to enforce CS. And I told him as soon as BM puts the word in SD's head that she is old enough to decide to live with BM. Guess what's gonna happen?!
Shes gone & BM is gonna go after him.
Well tonight SD tells dh that moooommmy said that she can go live with her for awhile to get a way from blended7:and all the siblings.
Nope. Don't listen to me.what do I know?

hereiam's picture

My husband got custody 4 years ago. The judge gave BM a one year break before she was to start paying.

This pisses me off. Has any man ever been given a one year break before having to start paying CS? What B.S.

SugarSpice's picture

bm left dh to marry her lover. each summer we got the skids for three months on summer school break. dh continued to pay child support. this funded the vacations for bm and her new husband.

hereiam's picture

Eff off to that!

I would have had a shit fit. I am so glad we stuck to the EOWE schedule in the summers.

ItHasGottenBetter's picture

Our BM kept saying the judge told her she didn't have to pay...NOT.

Then she said she would catch up when she got her disability lump sum payment. She owed for 3.5 years at that point. She gave DSO a whopping $100 bucks when she got her lump sum.

BM did spent $2 bucks on back to school clothes at a yard sale, so I guess she feels she has paid her dues.

OrangeUGlad's picture

First of all, I wouldn't worry, because as has been said, no judge is going to give custody to a mom who has been out of the picture. She might get time increased from whatever she has if she went to court, but only if she is at the very least taking the kids for the time she has already had awarded (and it sounds like she isn't) and can demonstrate an improvement in whatever circumstances led her to not having custody. And I doubt she could get it together to file anyhow (or would really want to)- she is just trying to alienate sd from dad and sm.

I think it is time for dad to sit sd down and explain that he isn't keeping her from mom, that a judge decided that is was best for them to live with dad and that mom has the right to see them X amount of time. He should do it in a non-judgmental way, but explaining the facts of the case. He should also try not to tell sd anything about her mom or her mom's behavior that she doesn't know- ie if mom is an addict and ad doesn't remember that, I wouldn't bring it up; but if mom used to leave the kids home alone while bar hopping and this is something the kids remember, it would be okay to mention that as part of the judge's reasoning.

MdMom's picture

^^^ this!^^^
Just let SD know WHY she hasn'tseen BM, or why she only gets to see her X amount of time.
Try not to Bash BM, SD is clearly very attached to BM so if you start bad mouthing her you'll lose SD even more.
Have SO talk to her about it, and you just be present during the discussion. You guys are a team, SD needs to see that.
Don't let crazy BM control your family from a whole country away!

blended7's picture

This child is my reason for wanting to be drunk daily. She is defiant but sneakily so. She doesn't bath, change her clothes, and if something doesn't go her way she has tantrums blaming all my kids, and my kids make her hate her life...
But her mom has no structure, can't keep a clean home and only has custody of one of her 4 kids.
All she does is fill their heads with lies.
He won't tell them anything about why he has them, and enables BM bad behavior.covers for her, even tho SD 12, is fully aware and knew what BM was doing when it happened